The Daily Activities window allows you to quickly view, sort, and edit all of your scheduled activities for the current day and for any future date.
Accessing the Daily Activities Window
There are three ways to access the Daily Activities window.
Window Map
Introduction to the Daily Activities window.
Note: The Daily Activities Window defaults to the current date and the logged in user.
Radio Buttons
All Users: Clicking on the All Users Radio Button will display Daily Activities for all of the users in the drop-down list By User.
Group Calendar: To see activities scheduled for your team/division, click on the Group Calendar Radio Button and select the appropriate item from the drop-down list.
By User: Clicking on the By User Radio Button will take you to the Daily Activities for the user displayed in the drop-down menu directly to the right of the By User Radio Button. The default generally is the user that logged into the system.
The Group Calendar is useful for activities that are scheduled for an entire sales force, division, business unit, and so forth. For example, your Administrator can go into Administration under the Main menubar and select "Table Editor" from the pull-down list and then Conference Room from the Table Editor Window. After creating Conference room (see Table Editor Add New Item Help), then you could schedule activities for the Conference Room that would show up under the group calendar so that nobody else would schedule that room for a meeting during that time frame.
Another example would be to create a Group Calendar item called Sales Meetings. You could then schedule activities for your sales force that would reside both under their day to day schedule and their group schedule.
To view the Group Calendar select the "Group Calendar" radio button and select from the drop down list. The group calendar window has seven headings: Time, Time Zone, Account Name, Contact Name, Regarding, Priority, and User. This order may be changed by clicking and dragging the column headings to the left or right. Clicking any of the headings will arrange the listed records according to that heading. Clicking the same heading again will reverse the order of the records.
Push Buttons
Calendar: Select the button with the current date to bring up the Date Selection window. Click the arrows to move forward and back by days, months, and years respectively. Click on the desired date to select it. Select the OK button to view the daily activities for that day. You also have the option of keying in the date.
Delete: Highlight the activity you wish to delete, then press the Clear button. A pop-up window will ask you to confirm the deletion of the activity.
Tip: Multiple activities can be selected by using the CTRL and Shift keys in conjunction with the mouse click.
Forward: Select this button to open the Monthly Calendar, which will enable you to forward the highlighted activity(s) to another day and re-display the activity at the newly scheduled day.
Forward All: Select this button to open the Monthly Calendar, which will enable you to select a day to reschedule all the activities currently displayed in the Daily Activities window.
Transfer: Select this button to transfer a single activity or multiple activities to another user.
Follow this Link: To Learn More About Transferring Activities.
Open: This button will select and display the account/contact summary associated with the highlighted activity.
Refresh: This button will update any activities which have been scheduled, changed, or completed since the Daily Activity window has been opened.
Customize: Select this button to add, delete, and arrange fields in the active window.
Print: Select this button to print the Daily Activities window.
Close: Select this button to close and exit the Daily Activities window.
Note: The Daily Activities window will remain open in the background of your working desktop until manually closed.
Help: Select this button for on-line help on the active window.
Viewing Daily Activities By User - the Default User
The By User view of the Daily Activities window will display all scheduled activities for the selected user for all dates up to and including today's date, or for the 24-hour period of the date selected if it is not today's date.
Defaults to the Logged-on User: The first time you open the Daily Activities Window in a Wintouch session, the User field will default to the logged-on user.
Selecting Another User: If you select a different User from the drop-down list, that User will remain the default for the rest of your Wintouch session or until you select a different User.
Viewing Daily Activities By Group Calendar
Use your Group Calendar views to display scheduled activities that impact other users. For example, if users share the use of a conference room, the Conference Room Group Calendar view would display all scheduled activities for the conference room up to and including the selected date, thus users can avoid double booking. The Default Group Calendar view could be used to schedule and display time away from the office, like vacations, personal leave, and business trips/appointments, in order to ensure that there is always adequate coverage.
Viewing Daily Activities for All Users
This view will display all scheduled activities for all users for all dates up to and including the selected date.
The Selected Date in the Daily Activities Window
Today's Date: The Date for the Daily Activities window will default to today's date. If today's date is selected, the activities displayed will include ALL activities scheduled for all dates up to and including today.
Any Other Date: If you select a date other than today's date, the activities displayed will include ONLY those scheduled for the selected date.
Note: All activities scheduled during the 24-hour period from 12:00am - 11:59pm of the selected date will be displayed in the Daily Activities window.
Opening Activity: To view, edit, or complete any listed activity, simply double-click on the highlighted activity and the related Account Summary or Contact Summary window will open. The Next Activity and Last Activity will be displayed in the Activity List Box at the bottom of that window.
Note: It may be necessary to go to the Scheduled Activity Log to find and open the activity selected from the Daily Activities window, or Wintouch gives you the option to have the activity open with the Account Summary, or Contact Summary window. To activate this function go to Options in the Main Desktop menu, then Preferences from the drop-down menu, then open the Activity and Calendar settings tab. Locate and check the Open Summary window with Scheduled Activity checkbox. This will enable that function and the activity will open with the Account or Contact Summary window.
Follow this Link: For More Information on activating the Open Summary Window with Scheduled Activity function.
How the Time Zone is Determined
Note: If you have scheduled an activity with a blank Time field, and there is not any related telephone number, the Time Zone field will be populated with the time zone detected by your computers operating system.
Level at which Activity is Scheduled | Phone Number from which Area Code is Used to Determine Time Zone |
Account: the activity is scheduled for an account with the contact removed | Main Account Telephone: this phone number is found in the Account Profile |
Account-Contact: the activity is scheduled for an account with the contact selected | Work Phone: this phone number is found in the Account-Contact Relationship Profile |
Contact: the activity is scheduled for a contact, unrelated to any associated account | Home Phone: this phone number is found in the Personal Contact Profile |
Opening and Completing Scheduled Activities
You can open Scheduled Activities along with the related Account or Contact Summary from the Daily Activities window.
To Open a Scheduled Activity, either
Follow this Link: For Instructions on completing a Scheduled Activity.
Clearing Scheduled Activities from your Calendar
If an activity is canceled or if you resolve a situation before the scheduled follow-up date, you can delete that activity.
To Delete a Scheduled Activity:
Forwarding Scheduled Activities
You can forward activities individually, in groups, or forward all of the activities scheduled for the day.
Forwarding Individual Activities
1. Click to highlight the activity/activities you wish to forward, then press the Forward button.
2. Select the date you wish to forward the selected activity to, then press the OK button.
Forwarding All Activities for a Given Date
1. Press the Forward All button.
2. Select the date you wish to forward all activities to, then press the OK button.
Note: If the Daily Activities Date is set to TODAY'S DATE, all activities scheduled for dates up to and including today will be forwarded.
If the Daily Activities Date is set to A DATE OTHER THAN TODAY, only those activities scheduled for that date will be forwarded.
Printing Your Daily Calendar
You can print a calendar of your scheduled activity for any date using the Daily Activities Print feature.
1. Press the Print button.
2. Enter the Header for your Calendar print-out then select either Normal or Fit Widths. You will need to select Fit Widths if you want your calendar to fit across one page.
3. Go to the Page Setup tab and select orientation and margins. If you would like your calendar to fit across one page, we recommend that you select Landscape and 0.5" for all four margins.
Refreshing the Daily Activities Window
If you complete or clear activities that are on your Daily Activities Calendar from one of the Summary windows, you will need to press the Refresh button to update your view.
Customizing the Daily Activities Window
When designing your Daily Activities window, keep in mind balancing the useful information with the size of the window. If you add more fields than can fit across the window, a scrollbar will be added across the bottom of the window to enable users to see all columns. It is best, however, to choose the most relevant fields that will fit across the screen. The most commonly selected fields among our customers are: Scheduled Date, Scheduled Time, Time Zone, Account Name, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Regarding, Type, Priority, and Activity Notes. When the user double-clicks on the activity to complete it, all other information will be available to them.
To Customize your daily Activities window, press the Customize button at the bottom of the window.
Follow this Link: For Instructions On Customizing the Display for the Daily Activities Window
Resorting Your Daily Activities Records by Clicking on the Column Headings
The sorting you select in Customize Table Tools determines the default sorting of the Daily Activities records. Users can resort Daily Activities records at any time by clicking once on the column header to sort by that column in ascending order, and twice to sort by that column in descending order.
The downward pointing arrow in the Scheduled Time column heading indicates that the Daily Activities records are sorted in descending order by Scheduled Time:
The upward pointing arrow in the Type column heading indicates that the Daily Activities records are sorted in ascending order by Type:
Opening the Daily Calendar at Start Up
Wintouch can be set to open the Daily Activities window at start up so that the first thing the user sees when the user starts the day is a list of the activities scheduled for that day. To activate this function go to Options in the Main Desktop, then Preferences in the drop-down menu, then open the Activity and Calendar Settings tab. Check the checkbox Open Daily Calendar at start up.