Q: When we log into Wintouch, we get an invalid parameter message.
A: First, try logging in as another user. If you can log into Wintouch as another user, then the problem is in the User Profile. If you do not get a log in screen, then try clearing your Java Webstart cache. If clearing your Cache does not work, then delete the sun folder and reinstall Java. If this fails, contact your Wintouch Administrator.
Q: I am using Java Webstart and the client isn't updating to the latest version.
A: The client is likely having problems communicating with your Webserver. Webstart cannot auto update unless it can reach the Webserver.
Q: The help file opens in my Wintouch IE Window. How do I fix this?
Answer:Q: When Customizing a window, a third column keeps appearing when I try to place the field in the Window.
A: If you are customizing a window with many fields, you may want to temporarily remove the notes section at the bottom of the window and then place in the new fields. I have found this makes it easier to customize the environment.
Q: When I am customizing, Wintouch locks up. How do I make it stop?
A: Stay within the window that you are customizing. If you go outside of that window, you will lock up Wintouch.
Q: I can only get one field to change colors at a time. Is there a way to speed up this process?
A: When you are in a customization window, hold down the Ctrl button and left click on each of the fields you would like to change the color of. They will then be outlined in black. Continue holding down the Ctrl key and right click anywhere within the Design Panel Pane to bring up the foreground/background pop-up. Select foreground if you would like to change the color of the font. Select background when you would like to change the fill color of the field.
Q: How do we know how many users are on Wintouch at a given time?
A: The command WRKWINTINF in the Wintouch library shows the number of users online with Wintouch and detached with Wintouch Lite. Keep in mind the Wintouch Lite users take up a license even when they are detached.
Q: The Java icon is not showing up after I have installed Java. What is the problem?
A: Remove the Java plug in, delete the Java cache, and then reinstall the latest Java version.
Q: How do I change a user's System ID?
A: You can change a user's System ID's on the front end by going to Administration, then User Profile, then by double clicking on the user and by changing the System ID and then clicking the "Update Profile" button. You can change the user's system ID's on the back end in WTUSER by changing the field name UNETID.
Q: How do I make a file usable by the import data tool?
A: Click here for the Import Data Tools walk-thru.
Q: How do I remove users that have left the company from the drop downs?
Q: When I send an email blast, the email shows up as blank.
A: The most likely cause is how the file is named. Please do not include periods in the file name except just before the file's extension.
Q: When I try to delete an Account that has an ID number of 1, I am unable to do so even though the account has no completed activities tied to it.
A: Deletion of Account and Contact in account and contact summary are forbidden if account id is between 1 and 999 and contact id is between 1001 and 99999.
Q: Why does an out of memory window pop up?
A: There is not enough memory available for the Java console. If this problem occurs frequently, then click here for instructions.
Note: The fix only applies to the Browser Wintouch launch and not Webstart.
Q: I log on Wintouch and the Screen is blank.
Answer involving open Internet Explorer Windows: If you are launching Wintouch from your browser, it will open three windows. If you have already been in a Wintouch environment, then make sure you close the three Internet Explorer windows and then try reloading Wintouch.
Q: I start Wintouch and the screen is blue. I am using the Applet version (3 windows when Wintouch starts).
A: Click here.
Q: When I try to complete an activity, the regarding and type drop-downs are not showing up. What is happening?
A: Under Options, then "Preferences" in the main menubar, then the Activity and Calendar Settings tab your activity default category settings may have been reset. Make sure you set the category settings in the Daily Activities.
Q: How do we get to the Preferences option?
A: Click on Options on the main menubar, then "Preferences" in the pull-down menu.