Web Forms

Example Creating a Web Form

Controlling Web Form Styles

To get Web Forms working, there are several requirements.

  1. You must have Wintouch Web installed and operational.
  2. Your Administrator must design the form using the Web Forms Designer utility.
  3. The related code snippets must be placed in the Web Site page that the form is to be rendered in.

Wintouch allows an Administrator to create forms that are posted on a website. These forms are then completed by the customer and the data is automatically entered into the Wintouch system. To utilize this feature, select Administration from the Main Desktop menu, then Web Forms Designer from the pull-down menu. The Web Forms Designer window will open.

Web Forms Designer

The Web Forms Designer window allows the administrator to add or delete Web Forms. See Adding or Editing Web Forms.

Push Buttons

Add: Opens the Add New Web Form window to create a new form.

Delete: Removes the highlighted Web Form.

Edit: Allows the user to edit the highlighted Web Form. You can also double-click on the highlighted Web Form.

Cancel: Exits the window without saving any changes

Help: Displays on-line help for the active window.