Adding or Editing Web Forms

The Administrator is able add New Web Forms by pushing the Add button in the Web Forms Designer Window. The Add New Web Form Window will open.

Note to Tomcat Expert: When a new Web Form is added, the Tomcat server will need to be reset.

Form Definition:

The first step in the creation of a new web-form is to assign a name and to define which fields will be available in the form.

Note: Once you add a Web Form you will only be able to edit its Name in the Form Definition Pane.

Name: Type in the name of the Web Form without spaces.

Radio Buttons: Select either the Contact Related or Account Related radio button. This choice determines which fields are available when Customizing the Web Form.

Include Fields from Extended Profiles: This drop-down list box is dependent on the radio button selected, and displays all extended profiles based upon your selection. Choose from the drop-down list the extended profile with the fields necessary for your Web Form.

Unique Key Fields for Adding Records: Unique Key Fields are required entry fields, which means they must have the appropriate information typed in them or records will not be added. A Unique Key Field is a required field and will have a red asterisk next to it in the completed Web Form.

Account Related: If you chose the Account related radio button earlier in the Form Definition pane, then you should choose an Account Related Unique Key Field for Adding Records. For example, if you have a number of chain stores as customers, and you have a Web Form that updates information for those stores, a good Unique Key Field for Adding Records would be the Chain Number of the store.

Contact Related: If you chose Contact Related radio button earlier in the Form Definition Pane, then you should choose a Contact Related Unique Key Field. An example of a Contact Related Unique Key would be the Contact's Id Number.

Note: If you are not updating records, then you do not necessarily need a unique Key Field defined. For example, collecting sales leads from your website and scheduling an activity for a sales person doesn't require a unique key field if you aren't updating existing records.

Complete an activity upon submission of this form

If checked, this box will activate the Complete Activity Pane. After a customer has completed your Web Form, the system will automatically create an activity based upon the selected criteria.

User: Select from the drop-down list the user who will be scheduled an activity.

Category: Select from the drop-down list the category of the scheduled activity (i.e.: sales, marketing, etc.).

Type: Select from the drop-down list the type of activity being scheduled (i.e.: call out, e-mail out, etc.).

Regarding: Select from the drop-down list the appropriate regarding selection.

Result: Select from the drop-down list the appropriate result of the activity (Busy, Completed, Faxed, etc.).

Schedule an activity upon submission of this form

If checked, this box will activate the Schedule Activity Pane. After a customer has completed your Web Form, the system will automatically create an activity based upon the selected criteria.

User: Select from the drop-down list the user who will be scheduled an activity.

Category: Select from the drop-down list the category of the scheduled activity (i.e.: sales, marketing, etc.).

Type: Select from the drop-down list the type of activity being scheduled (i.e.: call out, e-mail out, etc.).

Regarding: Select from the drop-down list the appropriate regarding selection.

Priority: Select from the drop-down list the appropriate regarding selection (High, Medium, Low).

User Login Required

If checked, a name and password will be required to submit the web form.

Form Design Panel:

After the administrator has defined the form, the form is displayed in the Form Design Panel.  By clicking on the Customize button at the bottom of the screen, you open up the Customize Tool Window allowing you to add, remove, and design the fields displayed in your form. If you are unfamiliar with Customizing Windows in Wintouch, then click on the help button in the Customize Tool Window. Each of the fields in the design panel tell you what they will be updating in their name. For example, the field "Account Profile_Account Type" tells you that the field will update the Account Type in the Account Profile Window when entered for the account specified by the Unique Key Field.

Editing Web Forms

After you select a Web Form that you previously added, you may click on the Edit button in the Web Forms Designer Window, which opens the Edit Web Form Window.

In this window, you can change the form name or the layout of the form in the Form Design Panel.

In the Form Definition Pane, you only have the ability to edit the Form Name in the Edit Web Form Window. You must create a new form to change the extended profile and unique key fields.

Push Buttons:

OK: Saves the Web Form.

Close: Exits the window without saving any changes made to your Web Form.

Help: Displays on-line help for the active window.