Preferences Wintouch Options

Default Fonts

This feature allows the user the option of changing the default font, font style, and font size in Wintouch. The characteristics defined in this section will determine the font of all text in Wintouch, with the exception of window titles, which is determined by your Look And Feel selection.

Telephone - Fax Format

Wintouch allows you to set telephone / fax formats so that users can differentiate between country code, area / city / trunk code, and subscriber number.
How-To add auto-formatting phone/fax numbers.

Other Default Values

Working Directory

The working directory is where files essential to using mail merge, reports, and excel spreadsheets are created by Wintouch. The default setting for this directory is C:\wintouch. To specify a different working directory use the Browse button to navigate to it in the Path Chooser window.

Template Path: Choosing a Default Path for your Template Files

Use the Default Path field and adjacent Browse button to determine the folder location for all your Wintouch template files. Both the Print Template and Create Template windows will default to the path set here. Use the Browse button to locate a directory and folder by navigating to it in the Select window. If you know the template path, type it directly into the field.

Word/Excel Executable File: (Choosing a Default Path for Your Microsoft Word and Excel Executable Files)

Because these programs may be installed elsewhere, the path for winword.exe and excel.exe can be set by the user. When necessary the user may change the location of these two programs by locating the files and using the directory path in the fields provided. The current default path is set to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12 .

Disable Scroll Bar Function

Look and Feel

Wintouch offers three style options for your Graphical User Interface. Windows, Metal, and Nimbus. Select from the following radio buttons to modify the screen appearance.

Note: You must exit Wintouch and log back in to activate any changes you make in the Look and Feel.

Show Tool Bar

Main Desktop: Check this check box to show the tool bar in the Main Desktop.
Account Summary Desktop: Check this check box to show the tool bar in the Account Summary Desktop.
Contact Summary Desktop: Check this check box to show the tool bar in the Contact Summary Desktop.
Template Builder: Check this check box to show the tool bar in the Template Builder.
Template Editor: Check this check box to show the tool bar in the Template Editor.
Letter Editor: Check this check box to show the tool bar in the Letter Editor.

Toolbar Orientation

This feature allows you to designate where the toolbar will be located while using Wintouch. You can assign its location to one out of the four options available. By default the toolbar will be located at the top of the user interface. You can change its location to either the right or left side or you may place it at the bottom.

Other Default Values

Date Format

Select the format in which you want dates displayed in Wintouch.

Based Country

The Based Country you select will be the default Country value for new accounts and contacts.

Default Time Zone

The Default Time Zone you select will be the default Time Zone value for all Activities windows. If you leave the Default Time Zone value in Preferences blank, the Time Zone for Activities windows will default to the time zone set in Windows. Wintouch will ignore the Windows time zone setting if there is a Default Time Zone value in Preferences.

Reference Information URL

Use this field to enter a URL (http://, File://...) that you access frequently (i.e.: presentation database, competitor database, etc.) during the course of your day. For example, if you access Yahoo consistently, the URL will create a link to Yahoo under Main Options > Reference Information. If you launch Word all the time, a URL such as file://C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Winword.exe will launch Microsoft word from Main Options Reference Information. For help on how to add, delete, and assign an icon to your reference information URLs, click here.( If you frequently have gotomeeting activities scheduled, you could store set up in your Reference Information, and have a toolbar icon that can take you to the website when the activity comes up. (A couple of example scenarios)

Proximity Search Group

Select the group that you want to have Proximity search base on that.

Open Wintouch Console at Start Up

Select this check box to open Wintouch Console at Start Up.

Enable Debugging

Selecting this check box will enable the console to include the requests made to the server and the responses that are received from the server.

Open Wintouch Dashboard at Start Up

Select this check box to open the Wintouch Dashboard at Start Up.

Window Buttons

Save: Select this button to commit any changes that are made in Wintouch Options Tab.
Cancel: Select this button to cancel out of Wintouch Options Tab. Any changes that were made will not be saved.
Help: Select this button the access Wintouch Online Help Guide.