Account Search

Search for accounts by field values using the Account Search feature. Open this window from the Main Desktop by selecting Account , and then selecting Search from the drop-down menu, or by clicking on the Account Search icon located in the toolbar, or by pressing the F5 key.

The Search tabs that are displayed below are the default tabs. Other search tabs can be added and removed, however the default tabs cannot be removed.

Follow this Link: To Add Search Tabs

Follow this Link: To Remove Search Tabs

Wintouch will keep a record of your recent searches in the drop-down list under each search field, allowing you to repeat any search you have run during the same Wintouch session.

Note: When conducting a search, limit the number of results by being as specific as possible in your selection criteria. The search will run faster, and the results will more closely match the desired criteria.

Selection Criteria

Account Name Tab: Use this tab to search for an account by Account Name and/or Postal Code.

Account Name: Enter the name, or partial name, here. If you enter Tou or tou (short for Touchtone), then this search will find all accounts that begin with Tou.
Postal Code: In large databases you may want to further refine your search to include postal codes. If you enter Tou under Account Name and 90631 under Postal Code, all accounts that start with Tou and are in the 90631 Postal Code will be found.

Note: We do NOT recommend using the first letter of the Account Name to search for an account. If you have a large database, this could return a HUGE number of results and bog down your system.

Note: Make sure that the Match Whole Word Only checkbox is unchecked when entering a partial name.

Account ID: Select this tab to search for an account by its identification number. Enter the ID number in the Account ID field. The complete ID number must be entered.

Short Name: Select this tab to search for an account by its Short Name. For example, the University of Arizona might have a short name of UofA.

E-Mail: Select this tab to search for an account by email address. Wintouch will return results that match either the email address from the Account Profile or the one from the Account Contact Relationship Profile. Results will include any and all accounts associated with that email address.

Telephone: Select this tab to search for an account by its telephone number. Enter the complete 10-digit number, without parentheses or hyphens, in the Telephone field.

Note: When searching for accounts by telephone number, Wintouch will compare the search value to the following fields: Account Telephone, Account-Contact Telephone, Home Phone, and Mobile Phone. Thus, if the phone number you entered matches any of those field values, the account will be included in the search results.

Group: Select this tab to search for a predefined group of accounts. If you used a prompt for value condition in your group definition, then the dialog box shown below will appear and Wintouch will ask you for the search value upon selecting the Search button.

Note: The search criteria for groups of accounts must be predefined using the Group Definition window prior to conducting a search.

Follow this Link: To See Group Definitions

Other: Select this tab to search for an account using fields not already available in the other tabs. Choose the field you wish to search by, then specify the search value.

Note: All non-wildcard fields, i.e. fields without (*)s, require exact matches and are case-sensitive.

Wildcard Searches

Wintouch allows wildcard searches for those fields marked with an asterisk: Field Name (*). A wildcard search is one in which selected field values of results match the partial character string designated in the search. To indicate a wildcard in your Wintouch search query, replace the missing or variable portion of the field value with an asterisk. For example, if you want Wintouch to retireve all accounts whose names begin with General, your condition would look like this:

 Field Name:Account Name (*)
 Condition Type:Equal To
 Selection Value:General*

Wildcard Searches: Selection Values Table

Selection Value Wintouch will return results like�
*GeneralUN Secretary General, Office of the Inspector General, Attorney General - ONLY
  General*General Mills, General Motors, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems - ONLY
*General* or GeneralAll of the above results, plus Boston General Hospital, UN General Assembly
'General ElectricGeneral Electric - ONLY - case-sensitive

Exact Searches

To run a search for an EXACT match between field value and search value on a wildcard field, you must add a single quotation mark to the beginning of the search value. See the 'General Electric example in the table above.

Note: If you do not put any asterisks around your wildcard search value, it will imply asterisks at both ends, searching for ALL selection values containing the search value anywhere in the field.

Note: The asterisk can replace a character string of any length.

Note: Wildcard Searches are NOT case-sensitive. Thus, if you were to run a wildcard search for an Address field value of *BAKER STREET, Wintouch would return "19 BAKER STREET" and "19 Baker Street". The exception to this rule is searches for exact matches. If you add a single quote at the beginning of your wildcard search value, Wintouch will only return results whose field value exactly matches the search value.

The following fields are available for Wildcard searches in Wintouch:

Push Buttons

Search: Searches for the account you selected. If more than one account meets your selection criteria, the Account List window will appear

Cancel: Exits the window, without conducting a search.

Help: Displays helpful information about the current window.