Preferences Search Tab (Remove)

Notice the Account Search window has 3 additional search tabs, AC-Campaing ID , AC-Campaign Name , and AC-Acutual Close Date . In this example we will remove these search tabs and return the search window back to it's default state.

In Preferences Search Windows Settings , you can see in the right window pane that the 3 items to be removed from the search window are highlighted, thus indicating their activity. Whenever there are additional search tabs added to the search window, they will be highlighted in this pane.

  1. Hover the mouse courser over one of the highlighted items, hold down the Ctrl key, and left click your mouse.

  2. Notice that the item AC-Campaign Name is no longer highlighted. Repeat this for the other 2 items until none of them are highlighted.

  3. Select the Apply button.

  4. Select the Save button at the bottom of the Preference window.

  5. Choose the level to which you want to save your customization and select OK .

  6. Select Yes or No in the following dialog box depending on whether you wish to make more changes in the Preferences window or not.

Note: You must log out and log back in to apply the changes.