Q: How do I schedule recurring activities?
A: When you check the Recurring Activities box in an Activity Window, options will light up for how often you would like the activity to occur.
Q: Why can't activities be forwarded singularly in the Monthly Activities View?
A: These activities can only be forwarded singularly in the Daily Activities View.
Q: People are not RSVP'ing me when I check the RSVP box. What is happening here?
A: Their Account-Contact email address is likely blank under their User Location. Their User Location is an Account in Wintouch and is generally between Account ID's 1-10 unless they are part of a large organization.
Q: Can I change the number of users assigned to an activity after the activity has been created?
A: Once you have created an activity, you may not change the number of users to which it is assigned unless you individually clear their activities. You may also create a similar activity and assign it to more users.
Q: I log on Wintouch and the Screen is blank.
This applies in the rare case you are not using the Webstart (icon on your desktop launch). If you are launching Wintouch from your browser and not using Webstart, it will open three windows. If you have already been in a Wintouch environment, then make sure you close the three Internet Explorer windows and then try reloading Wintouch.
Answer involving Wintouch Lite: If you have not properly uploaded Wintouch Lite after using it in remote mode, you may get a blank screen when trying to reload. To log into Wintouch again without uploading, rename the Wintouch Lite folder under c:/wintouch/wintouchlite. If you do not need the information in Wintouch Lite, then you may delete the Wintouch Lite folder and ask your Administrator to reset your Wintouch Lite flag.
Q: Why is there no sent box in the email client?
A: The Body of any email is meant to be kept in the activity notes.
Q: Why do messages I delete keep showing up again as unread?
A: You must expunge messages from the deleted box or they will show up again in the NEW box.
Q: What does the Use Wintouch Mail check box do in preferences?
A: When checked, the Use Wintouch Mail check box allows you to use the Wintouch Email Client as your Email Client for both inbound and outbound emails.
Q: Why does an out of memory window pop up?
A: There is not enough memory available for the Java console. If this problem occurs frequently, then click here for instructions.
How do I manually create a shortcut to the desktop when I am using Java Webstart?
Click Start > Control Panel > Java > Advanced > Shortcut Creation > Always Allow > Log Out of Wintouch > Log back into Wintouch > Your shortcut should appear.
Note: Clearing your Java cache will also prompt you to put a shortcut on your desktop when you try to log into Wintouch.
Q: We just updated Wintouch and a problem only seems to happen to my computer.
A: You likely need to clear your cache. Click here for the cache clearing walk-thru.
Q: How do I update my java version?
A: Click here for the Java update walk thru.
Q: Does the letter template default to the template path chosen under preferences?
A: No. The letter template defaults to the My Documents folder.
Q: Why doesn't the look change when I change the look under Preferences?
A: You must exit and re-enter Wintouch for some of the Default edits to show. In addition, the Macintosh look is only available for the Mac.
Q: When I run a report and try exporting to Excel I get blank rows in between my information. How do I remove these rows?
A: In Excel, Select Data from the menubar then "Sort" from the pull-down menu, and then sort by a column.
Q: I run a report and then select fields from the design panel and then try to create a report template (from the the template pane) but my template doesn't work.
A: You must first start the creation of your report template, then run the report and select the fields that you place in the report.
Q: Can I edit templates after I have created them?
A: No, you must create new templates if you would like different fields drawn in than from a template that already exists.
Q: Why doesn't anything happen when I left click on a field that is supposed to bring up a pop-up?
A: You likely need to right-click on that area instead of left-clicking or you may need to restart Wintouch.
Q: Is the Account Name search case sensitive?
A: No. A name is recognized as having both capitalized and lower case values when you perform a search. For example, if you do a search "Touchtone Corporation", the same results show up if you alternately did a search that is called "touchtone corporation" or "touchtonecorporation".
Q: I try to put information in the Account Summary Window and it isn't letting me do so. Why does this happen?
A: The Account and Contact Summary Windows are read only and do not allow you to put information into them directly. You must open the Account Profile Window by selecting Account from the Account Summary Menubar, then "Account Profile" from the pull-down menu or the Contact Profile Window by selecting Contact then "Profile" from the pull-down menu.
Q: What does the duplication check look for?
A: The duplication check looks for the account name, first and last contact names, email address, and phone number.
Q: When I try to complete an activity, the regarding and type drop-downs are not showing up automatically. What is happening?
A: Under Options, then "Preferences" in the main menubar, then the Activity and Calendar Settings tab your activity default category settings may have been reset. Make sure you set the category settings in the Daily Activities.
Q: In the Activity log, some of our activities are missing. How do we display more activities, and what do the get more and get all buttons do?
A: The activity log defaults to either one week, month, or year of viewable activities. This default is set under options in the main menubar then "Preferences" from the pull down menu. In the Activity and Calendar Settings tab you can select an activity log interval (1 month is recommended). This will affect the Get more button as well.
Get More - Increases the number of viewable activities by the amount of time which is set in the Preferences window.
Get All - Shows all activities for this account since its creation.