Administrative Requirements for Portal Registration

Setup Requirements

Before the portal user can register with Wintouch, the following setup requirements must have been completed:

IMPORTANT: When Creating the Portal Registration Form you must add at least one field to the registration form that requires the user to add a unique value that will allow Wintouch to identify the associated account the user is to register with. It's crucial this value be unique in Wintouch. If Wintouch finds this value among multiple accounts the registration process will fail. To confirm the value is unique you can create a group in Wintouch Group Definition containing the appropriate conditions, then search Wintouch using the Search feature. Any field used as a unique value in the registration form should only return a single result. Invoice numbers are a good example of a field that should contain a unique value.


Providing Portal Users with Access to the Sign in Form

Before the portal users can access your portal they must be given a link to access the Sign in Form. This can be done however you wish. Some common methods would be to have a login link on a website or send the user the link via email. Be sure to include the Context Path into the link so the user is directed to the form.

Context Path: The Context Path defines the final fragment added to the URL used to identify which Portal Sign in form the user will access. An example of the resulting url can be seen below. The context path could be customer or wholesaler.