Merge Duplicate Contacts

This feature is very useful when you have the same person related to that account more than once. For example, you have a Bob Johnson and a Robert Johnson (the same person) that both have activities completed for this particular account and you would like to remove one of them. You cannot remove a contact that has completed activities, so you need to remove activities tied to that contact.

Note: The Merge Duplicate Contact command will transfer account related activities that are scheduled or completed, and all extended profiles tied to the contact in the account you are viewing to another contact in that same account. This command will not transfer activities completed at the Contact Summary level.

Merge Duplicate Contacts (Example)

  1. From the Account Summary menu-bar select Account, then Merge Duplicate Contacts from the drop-down menu.

  2. When the Merge Duplicate Contacts window will opens, select which contact you would like to remove the activities from and to which contact you would like to transfer the activities, then press the OK button.

  3. When the confirmation dialog appears, select Yes to continue with the transfer.

  4. The Processing dialog will appear indicating the transfer is in progress.

  5. When the transfer is complete the Message dialog will appear. Select OK and the transfer is complete.

Deleting the Shell Contact

After you have merged the duplicate contacts, there will be a shell contact remaining, in addition to the contact to which you transferred all the related activities and extended profiles. The shell contact must be manually deleted or it will remain as a contact in the Contact List. View the following instructions to delete the contact.

Note: In the above example we merged Robert Johnson into Bob Johnson. So the shell contact is Robert Johnson and the remaining contact is Bob Johnson.
  1. From the Account Summary Desktop select Account, then Contact List from the subsequent drop-down menu.

  2. In the Contact List window highlight the contact you would like to delete and push the Select button.

  3. Notice the contact you selected is now the active contact in the Account Summary.

  4. From the Account Summary Desktop select Contact, then Delete from the subsequent drop-down menu.

  5. Select OK in the first confirmation dialog.

  6. Select OK in the second confirmation dialog and the process is complete.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If the contact is tied to any activities or extended profiles from the Contact Summary, the contact will not be deleted from Wintouch. In this instance you will receive the following indication.
If the contact can not be deleted you will receive the following dialog after you select the second confirmation dialog. When you select OK the contact will be disassociated from the account. It will be removed from the accounts Contact List but will remain in Wintouch as a disassociated contact.
Follow this Link: to learn how to merge any related activities or profiles tied to the contact from the Contact Summary.