This window allows you to record detailed information about an account. Fields from this window will be available for display in the Account Summary window.
Wintouch CRM provides you with a central storehouse where the different divisions of your organization can share data on prospects, customers, partners, competitors, and employees. Data is stored and presented in levels. Data that you want every division to see immediately would be stored at the most general level, i.e. the Account/Contact level. More detailed, division-specific information would be displayed at the extended profile level. The Account Profile window is where you store general information about each account.
With Wintouch customization, your administrator can customize the Account Profile window to create the picture of your accounts that best suits your organization's needs. You choose the window layout, the fields, and their properties. Critical fields can be designated Required Entry so that a value must be entered in order to save the account information. The Account Profile window can be customized by account type, thus a distributor might have different fields to enter than a customer, and so on. Some information will be too detailed for the Account Profile window. For instance, it might make sense to display year-to-date sales and month-to-date sales on the Account Profile window, but individual orders would have to be stored separately in an extended profile.
Summary window versus Profile windows: Fields in Summary windows are view-only. To enter/edit field values, you must go to the Profile window that contains that field. Within profile windows, it is possible to enter/edit field values, except for fields disabled by your administrator or those populated from the back end. To read about the Account Summary window, click here.
Account Name: Enter/edit the account name in this field.
Account ID: This is a unique number that is generated once a new account is created. Each account ID is exclusively attached to the account it was created with.
Note: The account ID can be used in an account search to retrieve and access the account.Account Type: Choose the category of account from the drop-down list. The value in this field will determine the window layout for both the Account Profile and the Account Summary windows.
Country: Choose a country from the drop-down list. The value in this field will determine phone number and address formats.
Short Name: Enter/edit the most common acronym or nickname for the account. For example, the Short Name for The University of Arizona account might be UA.
Phone Numbers: Telephone, Facsimile, etc.: Enter/edit phone numbers (including area and country codes where necessary) with no formatting (i.e. without hypens and parentheses)
Note: If Wintouch is not accepting all telephone digits, the Country field may need to be updated first.
Within the Account Profile window there may be a number of user-defined fields, i.e. custom fields created specifically for your Wintouch environment.
Customize: Use this button to access the customize feature, which allows you to add, delete, arrange, and set properties of fields in the active window.
OK: Use this button to save all entries and changes to the account information and exit the window.
Cancel: Use this button to exit the window without saving any changes.
Help: Use this button to display the online help for the active window.
There are three ways to open the Account Profile from the Account Summary.