Window (Window Style)

This feature allows the user to arrange and display multiple open windows in an organized manner. This feature can be found in the Main Desktop, Account Summary, and the Contact Summary windows. To arrange your windows select Window from the Main menu bar and then select the option of your choice. You can select either Tile, Cascade, Minimize All, Restore All, Close All, or an item below the line Break. The items found below the line break are the names of the windows you have open. Select any of the open windows by name and the selected window will come to the front.

Tile: Fits All open windows into the Wintouch desktop at the same time.

Note: If you have ten windows open, this option will fit ALL ten windows into your screen at the same time.

Cascade: This option will take all of your open windows and stack them from the top-left of the screen to the bottom-right with their title bars showing

Minimize All: Makes all windows shrink only showing some or all of the title bar. These windows are then stacked from the bottom-left of the screen to the top-right.

Restore All: Makes all windows grow to their full size and stacks them on top of each other.

Close All: Closes all open windows.

Below the Line Break: Shows you what windows are currently open. You may change between windows by highlighting any window name on this list and left-clicking.