Creating Multiple Wintouch Icons on the Desktop

If you have several different Wintouch Environments, one way to launch them is through a links page such as in the following example.

However, if you prefer a differentiated desktop icon for each environment (the icon is disabled when you clear the java cache and is restored when you launch the jnlp file for the environment again), the method is outlined below.

Differentiating your Wintouch Desktop Launch icons

  1. Locate your Wintouch.jnlp file
  2. Change the text between the title tags to the text you would like your Wintouch icon to display.

  3. Clear your Webstart Cache.
  4. Launch the edited jnlp environment.
  5. A Security warning will pop up.

  6. Click Start.
  7. Next, a window asking if you would like desktop integration will pop up.

  8. Click Yes
  9. You should now have your customized Wintouch icon on your desktop.
  10. Repeat steps 1-8 to create more customized icons.