Each version of Wintouch is most compatible with a particular Java™ Plug-In version. This version can be found by selecting Help from the Main menubar then "About" from the pull-down menu.
In Windows, click the "Start" button, then scroll to Settings and select Control Panel. The Control Panel window will open.
Now double click on the Java™ Plug-In icon. The Java™ Plug-in Control Panel will open.
Click on the "Update" tab and then click on the "Get Java Update" button. A screen will open that has a Download button on it. Make sure it is version of Java that is most compatible with the version of Wintouch you are using.
In this example, if you are using a version of Wintouch that is most compatible with Java™ 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 1.4.1_02 and you presently have a different version, then you should download the new version by clicking on "Download". You will now have to click on the Agree button at the bottom of the Binary Code License Agreement Screen. After doing so, a screen with the update link will pop up.
Click the blue j2re-1_4_1_02-windows-i586.exe link. You will then be prompted to save this program to disk. Select where you would like to put the program on your network or hard drive.
Double click on the icon that appears in the location you chose and follow the instructions.