Wintouch Cache Clearing Process - Java Applet (3 window Browser launch)

When a new jar file is loaded, problems may arise from having old items in the cache. The first step to troubleshooting a Wintouch problem is clearing the cache. If the problem persists, then you should ask for further assistance.

Clearing the Java Applet Cache

  1. Close Wintouch and other applications that use java.
  2. Click the Start Button.
  3. Select Settings and then Control Panel.

  4. Double Click on Java Plug-in.

  5. Select the Advanced tab and then the clear button.

  6. A verification button should pop up. Click yes if you would like to clear your cache.

  7. Your cache should be cleared. Please restart Wintouch.

Clearing your Internet Explorer Cache

  1. Click the Start Button.
  2. Select Settings and then Control Panel.

  3. Double Click on Internet Options

  4. The Internet Properties Window will open.

  5. Delete Cookies

  6. Delete Temporary Internet Files including Offline Content

  7. Clear History

  8. You should now have cleaned out Internet Explorer.