Wintouch Cache Clearing Process - Java Applet (3 window Browser launch)
When a new jar file is loaded, problems may arise from
having old items in the cache. The first step to troubleshooting
a Wintouch problem is clearing the cache. If the problem persists,
then you should ask for further assistance.
Clearing the Java Applet Cache
- Close Wintouch and other applications that use java.
Click the Start Button.
- Select Settings and then Control Panel.

- Double Click on Java Plug-in.

- Select the Advanced tab and then the clear button.

- A verification button should pop up. Click yes if you would
like to clear your cache.

- Your cache should be cleared. Please restart Wintouch.
Clearing your Internet Explorer Cache
Click the Start Button.
- Select Settings and then Control Panel.

- Double Click on Internet Options

- The Internet Properties Window will open.

- Delete Cookies

- Delete Temporary Internet Files including Offline Content

- Clear History

- You should now have cleaned out Internet Explorer.