Hot Keys allow you to use the keyboard when performing a task in certain cases. For example, to create a new account with the keyboard you have to hold down the "Alt" key and the "F5" key at the same time. A window will open just as if you used the mouse in the main menubar to left click on "Account" and then "New" or if you clicked on the main toolbar icon "New Account". In the hotkey guide, the adding a new account would be referenced as "Add a new Account = Alt + F5".
Hot Keys are only activated for the following tasks:Main Menubar hotkeys are available in any window contained by the Main Desktop.
- Add a new Account = Alt + F5
- Search for a new account = F5
- Create a new Contact = Alt + F6
- Search for a contact = F6
- Group Definition = Ctrl + G
- E-Mail Client = Ctrl + E
- Contents = F1
- Extended Profile hot keys will be custom installed and will most likely be Ctrl + a numerical value (number) and available with the Account Summary or Contact Summary windows open.
Account Summary Desktop (Window) hot keys are available in any window contained by the Account Summary Desktop (Window).
- Account Profile = Ctrl + P
- Contact List = Ctrl + S
- Address Book = Ctrl + B
- Refresh = Ctrl + F
- Delete = Ctrl + D
- Close = Alt + F4
- New Contact = Ctrl + N
- Delete Contact = Ctrl + R
- Extended Profile Hot Keys will be custom installed and will most likely be Ctrl + a numerical value (number).
- Complete An Activity = Ctrl + M
- Schedule An Activity = Ctrl + H
- Activity Log = Ctrl + L
- Print Template = Ctrl + T
- Print Word Letter = Ctrl + W
Contact Summary Desktop (Window) hotkeys are available in any window contained by the Contact Summary Desktop (Window).
- Account Profile = Ctrl + P
- Address Book = Ctrl + B
- Refresh = Ctrl + F
- Delete = Ctrl + R
- Close = Alt + F4
- Extended Contact Profile Hot Keys will be custom installed and will most likely be Ctrl + a numerical value (number).
- Complete An Activity = Ctrl + M
- Schedule An Activity = Ctrl + H
- Activity Log = Ctrl + L
- Print Template = Ctrl + T
- Print Word Letter = Ctrl + W