There are a few terms and techniques that a user should know in order to use Wintouch efficiently. This page explains how to navigate smoothly through Wintouch, and provides definitions of some of the terms that appear in this Wintouch Guide.
Main Desktop: When Wintouch is opened, the Wintouch Main Desktop serves as a frame for all of your critical Wintouch activities. Here you have access to all general Wintouch features through pull-down menus and a customizable toolbar. This window opens as soon as you have successfully logged onto Wintouch. When it is closed, your session ends.
Account Summary Desktop: When an Account is opened, the Account Summary Desktop serves as a frame for all of your account specific functions. Here you will gain the ability to edit accounts, schedule and complete activities, view extended profiles, create specific word mail merges, and view an activity log for an Account.
Contact Summary Desktop: When a Contact is opened, the Contact Summary Desktop serves as a frame for all of your contact specific functions. Here you will gain the ability to edit contacts, schedule and complete activities, view contact related extended profiles, create specific word mail merges, and view an activity log for a Contact.
The phrase "click on" means to left click on the mouse when you have tabbed to, or placed the cursor on a control (such as a push button). You may also use the keyboard equivalents to "click on." For example, the Enter key or DEL key can be used in place of the Delete command.
"Click OK" means to click the OK button with the mouse or press the Enter key to carry out the action.
A menu option or entry field in the application is "disabled" when the text or field is dimmed out.
The Alt-Key can be used along with the underlined letter in the field name to directly access the associated entry field. Pull-down menu items can also be accessed by using the first letter in the word or by using the Keyboard arrows to scroll thru the list.
Selecting the Enter Key when in a window gives the same result as clicking the OK button. In this case, the OK button must be the focus or the default button in the window.
Selecting the Escape Key in a pull-down menu closes the menu without initiating the highlighted selection.
Selecting the Tab Key allows the user to move from field to field within a window or Dialog box.
The Menu Bar is located at the top of the Wintouch Main Desktop, below the title bar, and lists a series of menu options. When selected, sub-menus may appear to perform further actions in Wintouch. There is also an Account Desktop menu system.
The Toolbar provides quick mouse access to many of the frequently used menu options. These icon buttons reside across the top of the Main Desktop, just below the pull-down menu system. Under Options in the Main menubar, click on the "Show Toolbar" text to display the checkmark indicating that the Toolbar is enabled. Subsequent clicking toggles the checkmark (and hence the Toolbar) off and on. You may wish to drag or (tear off) the Toolbar to a different location within the desktop. As you move the Toolbar closer to the desktop edge, it will become rectangular and "stick" in place.
The Title Bar is located on the top of the Main Desktop. It displays the Wintouch name to the left. The Account Desktop also includes a Title Bar with the account name to the left.
Wintouch utilizes various types of buttons to assist the user in seamlessly navigating the software.Push Buttons
Click on them or tab to them and press enter.Radio Buttons
A Radio Button is a round button with a text label, supporting two states: selected and deselected. When selected, a radio button has a solid dot inside of the circle. Only one radio button in a group can be selected at a time.Entry Field Drop-Down List Box
To select a field entry from a drop-down list box, type the first letter of the entry, then use the arrow keys and/or [PAGEDOWN] and [PAGEUP] to find the selection.Scroll Bar
The scroll bar is located on the right side of a window sheet. It is a narrow column with arrows at the top and bottom pointing in opposite directions. Each points in the direction that it will move the window. Click the arrow with the mouse to move the window small amounts in either direction. For more rapid scrolling, click and hold the mouse button down on the scroll arrow.Status Bar
The Status Bar at the bottom of the screen contains the Help/Status message which displays a description of the current action or status. The time display shows the current time. Key lock indicators which show Caps Lock; Number Lock, or insert mode.Check Boxes
Note: The picture above contains "selected" check boxes.A Check Box is a labeled box for choosing one of two states: selected or deselected. When selected, the box is filled; otherwise it is empty. More than one check box can be selected at the same time in the same group.Modal Versus Non-Modal Windows
There are two types of windows in Wintouch. Non-modal windows can be maximized, minimized, or sized by clicking and dragging on an edge. A non-modal window can be left open on the desktop while other windows are active, or closed from the title bar. There are many controls available in a window, including a Scroll Bar, Toolbar, and a Title Bar, with which you can control the window.
Modal windows have similar features to a non-modal window, but are without many of the controls found in a non-modal window. A modal window cannot be maximized, minimized, or left open while other windows are active. The modal window must be closed or acted on either from the Title Bar (close) or an action button on the screen.
Window Tiling and Cascading
Tiling Windows arranges them side-by side on the desktop. You can get to this feature one of two ways: use the [shift-F4] keys or select "Tile" from the WINDOW pull-down menu.
Cascading windows arranges them one behind the other, with all windows at least partially visible (the title bar of each window remains in view). Clicking on any part of a cascaded window brings it to the front, making it the active window.
A list of opened windows can be found at the bottom of the Window pull-down menu in both the Main and Account Desktops. To make a window come to the front (and become the active window), select it from the list. A check to the left of the window name indicates that it is the active window.
Exiting Wintouch
From the Account menu in the Main Desktop, select "Exit",
Press ALT + F4 until Wintouch Closes,
Press the Exit toolbar icon in the Main Desktop,
Click on the close icon in the upper right hand corner of the title bar of the Main Desktop.
Note: It is not necessary to close Wintouch windows before exiting.The Please Confirm dialog box appears.
Click Yes to exit or No to return to Wintouch.