Wintouch Lite Access Log Report

The Wintouch Lite Access Log Report displays all instances of Wintouch Lite Creation or Synchronization.

There are six different named columns.

  1. Account-Contact Flag: Creation type of Account/Contact, Account, or Contact.
  2. Completed Activity From Date: Displays the oldest possible completed activity date.
  3. Download Date: Displays when Wintouch Lite was created or synchronized.
  4. Download Time: Displays the time of day Wintouch Lite was created or synchronized.
  5. User: Shows what user created or synchronized the Wintouch Lite database.
  6. Initial Database Creation:
    1. Yes means there was no Wintouch Lite database on the current computer when Wintouch Lite was created.
    2. No means that there was a Wintouch Lite database on the computer and that Wintouch Lite was synchronized at the given time.

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Customize: Allows you to rearrange the columns of the Access Log Report.

Cancel: Exits the Log Report.

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