Featured changes in Wintouch 7.1

Long lists can often be made searchable

For example, if you have thousands of parts and do not want to look through long lists to select a part number, then let us know before your next update. You would click on a search icon next to the field and type in the beginning portion of the Part # and hit Search. A short list of values would be brought back. Once you double click on the row you want, the full part number would be brought into the Wintouch field.

More technical description from Wintouch development: The new Lookup facility in Wintouch provides two functions: First, a field that refers to some other file (such as a part number, listed in a catalog file) can now be looked up in that file, by matching both it and up to four other pre-selected fields (such as description, price, core deposit) in that file. Second, the values from those same four fields can automatically be pulled into specified Wintouch fields.

Extended profiles can stand on their own

For example, if you want to manage equipment, you can now have the equipment exist as its own extended profile. You can then check the equipment out to various accounts or contacts.

More technical description from Wintouch development: With independent extended profiles, you can create entities or objects that are standalone and not owned by any other entity such as an account, contact or an account/contact. That they are not owned by an account, contact, or account/contact means that there is no tight coupling between an independent extended profile and the other entity. This is contrary to extended profiles that are tightly coupled to an account, contact or an account/contact and hence owned by that entity. Still, you can refer to an account, contact, or an account/contact from an independent extended profile using the new lookup feature which is loose coupling and can easily be decoupled.

Version (October 17th, 2008)




Wintouch, dated March 28th, 2008