Featured changes in Wintouch 7.1
Long lists can often be made searchable
For example, if you have thousands of parts and do not want to look through long lists to select a part number, then let us know before your next update. You would click on a search icon next to the field and type in the beginning portion of the Part # and hit Search. A short list of values would be brought back. Once you double click on the row you want, the full part number would be brought into the Wintouch field.
More technical description from Wintouch development: The new Lookup facility in Wintouch provides two functions: First, a field that refers to some other file (such as a part number, listed in a catalog file) can now be looked up in that file, by matching both it and up to four other pre-selected fields (such as description, price, core deposit) in that file. Second, the values from those same four fields can automatically be pulled into specified Wintouch fields.
Extended profiles can stand on their own
For example, if you want to manage equipment, you can now have the equipment exist as its own extended profile. You can then check the equipment out to various accounts or contacts.
More technical description from Wintouch development: With independent extended profiles, you can create entities or objects that are standalone and not owned by any other entity such as an account, contact or an account/contact. That they are not owned by an account, contact, or account/contact means that there is no tight coupling between an independent extended profile and the other entity. This is contrary to extended profiles that are tightly coupled to an account, contact or an account/contact and hence owned by that entity. Still, you can refer to an account, contact, or an account/contact from an independent extended profile using the new lookup feature which is loose coupling and can easily be decoupled.
Version (October 17th, 2008)
- Copy user level custom reports anywhere: Custom reports may now be copied from a user to a Location, or from a user to Default.
- Window toggle. Alt-1 allows users to toggle between active Wintouch windows.
- Activities: If you view another person's weekly or monthly calendar, you can now schedule an activity for that person from the weekly or monthly calendar.
- Mousewheel speed is improved in the Dashboard Customization window.
- Improved message when Excel is launched from a report and you already have launched Excel from a report.
- Dashboard listing dividers are now defaulted to black.
- Dashboard retains the defined ascending or descending order of the custom report.
- Dump truck, pound, and wrench icons have been added.
- Save Preferences individually: Preferences can now be saved by individual tab instead of all Preference tabs at the same time.
- Remove all user's preference at the same time: All user settings for a given preference may be removed for every user in the system in Wintouch settings maintenance.
- Extended profile listing copy: Left click and copy a row in an extended profile listing by using the option "Add & Copy from Highlighted Row" in the add button drop-down list.
- New OK Extended Profile Options:
- Save Profile without Refreshing - If you have many rows in your extended profile listing, you no longer have to wait for all of the rows to load again after editing one of the rows.
- Save Profile & Add Another - It is now easier to add many extended profile items. Once you have made your changes to one profile, you can now easily
add another profile without having to go through the trouble of clicking
the add button in the extended profile listing.
- Save Profile & Add Another & Copy - If most of your information is the same between the extended profile you are currently editing and the extended
profile that you would like to add, then use this option to open a new window with your current extended profile's information copied over.
- Cycling through Extended Profile windows is now easier. You now have the option of going directly to the next extended profile in a list or saving the current profile with edits and going to the next extended
profile in a list.
- In the weekly or monthly calendar, you can now drag and drop activities.
- Default changed to Google instead of Mapquest in Address Line 1.
- If you have too many icons in a toolbar, an arrow will now appear at the far right of your screen and allow you to see the icon overflow.
- Add HTML button in scheduled and completed activity windows.
- Add "Save Profile & Add Another" option to the OK button in Extended Profile.
- Always see your information: If a window is too small, it should now automatically get a scrollbar.
- New icon: A tractor has been added to the available icon list.
- Lookup function enhancement: See structural enhancements in Wintouch 7.1
- Activities may now be scheduled from the weekly or monthly calendars.
- Account profile fields can now be added to scheduled or completed activity workflow emails.
- You can now print from scheduled or completed activities and extended profile windows.
- Addition of a "Do not refresh" button in extended profile window.
- Faster mouse wheel scrolling in many customize windows.
- Inactive icons should now be disabled in the Account Summary Window.
- UPS and FEDEX icons have been added to the icon list.
Wintouch, dated March 28th, 2008
Wintouch 7.0 Top 10 Enhancements
- Spell checker: Addition of "Spell Checker" option for text fields. This automatically underlines misspelled words as you type and gives you replacement options when you right click on the word.
- View all Custom Reports: See all custom reports in one simple list with the level of display and what level their Groups and Templates were created at.
- Add fields to activities: You can now add custom fields to completed or scheduled activities.
- Add longitude, latitude, and delivery point to addresses: Wintouch address verification now includes the longitude, latitude, and delivery point when you add an address.
- New and improved icons: We have made our icons larger, improved their look and feel, and given them a defined color scheme which makes them easier to remember.
- Simplify your Toolbar: We have added a toolbar separator so you can separate your extended profile icons from your other icons if you so choose.
- Scrollable menus: This allows you to more easily navigate large lists of users to make managing Custom Reports, Settings Maintenance, and Groups more efficient.
- Key in or click on dates: Users can now type in a date or add them by using the mouse.
- Define your sort column in lists: For example, you could make the sort column "Year" in "Services" and choose descending or ascending. This lets
you display year 2007 first when the extended profile loads if you so choose.
- Easily update attached documents: Addition of "Update with working copy" option lets you open your attached document, edit the document, and then update the document with less clicks.
Additional 7.0 Enhancements as of, dated March 20th, 2008
System Capability Changes
- Expansion of Account User-Defined fields length to 2,000 characters.
- Multi-level drill-down - Have more than two levels in your extended profiles
- New Template Builder to handle inserting tables, images, hyperlinks and some other new features.
Reporting Change
- Addition of "HTML" button in the report listings. This lets you customize report results using an HTML template.
Preference Changes
- Addition of "Open Wintouch Dashboard at startup" checkbox in Main Options > Preferences > Wintouch Options tab.
- Addition of "Default Template Settings" tab in Preferences window. This lets you set the default size, font, and print orientation when you try to build a template using "Main Options" > "Create Templates".
User Profile
- Addition of "Expand All" checkbox in UserProfile window.
- A "Show Inactive Users" checkbox has been added to UserProfile window to be able to isolate inactive users.
- Addition of an option to remove user's related groups, reports and settings when a user is defined as inactive.
- Addition of "Trigger Rep." To Email To and Email From Options in the Send Email Event if the field is tied to the Wintouch User Table.
- Support for multiple Send Email events within the same IF Block.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Addition of Account Fields in the Completed Activities window.
- Tool tips in the Customization Tool that allows you to see the original name of a field that has been renamed.
- Addition of "Change Contact" button to the top level of an Extended Profile Listing window. This lets you assign a different contact to your Account-Contact level Extended profiles after the Extended Profile has been created.
- Addition of Complete and Schedule buttons in the 2nd level Extended Profile Listing window.
- Use Skype when clicking on a phone number from Wintouch (Beta).