Coming Soon
- Wintouch Dashboard that shows mission critical information in graphical form (Currently in Beta).
Wintouch 6.9.x - Current Release 6.9.9, 04/20/2007
Account and Contact Summary Windows
- Edit your Account and Contact Summary Titlebars when you hit the Customize button in the Account or
Contact Summary windows. (6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- Addition of "Fit Summary To Window" option in Summary windows to enable or disable a scroll bar. (6.8.3, 02/24/2006)
- Addition of "Previous" and "Next" buttons in Account or Contact Summary windows to close and open next or previous account or contact from a list. (6.8.0, 12/14/2005)
- Enhanced Time Clock in the Account and Contact Summary. Starts when the Account or Contact is opened and can be paused or cleared with one click. (6.7.5, 10/06/2005)
- Account Profile fields can now be added to the Daily Activities window. (6.9.4, 11/10/2006)
- "Created By" in the Complete an Activity and Completed Activity windows now tracks the original creator of the activity. (6.8.3, 02/24/2006)
- Addition of customization tool in activity windows to rearrange the layout and change the color of fields. (6.7.8, 11/18/2005)
- Clicking on a completed activity in the Completed Activity window now opens both the account and Completed Activity or the Contact and Completed Activity. (6.8.0, 01/06/2006)
- There is no longer a length limitation for saving documents in Activities and Extended Profiles. (6.7.7, 10/31/2005)
- Saving notes which are more than 16348 characters is now prohibited. Unnecessary spaces will be deleted from the notes. (6.8.0, 12/09/2005)
- Addition of "Remove Lead Blanks from Each Line" option within activities and profiles windows to omit spaces from the head of each line in notes. (6.8.0, 12/09/2005)
- Clicking on Activities or Extended items in a report listing opens the Account or Contact and the corresponding activity or extended profile item. (6.7.9, 12/02/2005)
- Addition of "Skip Other Address Validation" checkbox option in AddNewContact, AddNewAccount, ContactNew and AddressBook. (6.8.8, 06/27/2006)
- City and province are shown once a US zip code is entered even when "Skip Wintouch Address Validation" is checked in an Add New Account, Add New Contact, or Address Book window. (6.8.0, 12/16/2005)
Contact Profile
- Addition of "Unknown" option for Gender definition related to contact profile. (6.8.9, 08/02/2006)
Extended Profiles
- When creating an Extended Profile item, you can now switch contacts with a Contacts button. (6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- Extended Profile Listings now show a count of the rows listed as they are retrieved. (6.8.8, 06/27/2006)
- Addition of refresh button in Extended Profiles. (6.8.2, 02/02/2006)
- Wintouch Extended Profiles have been expanded from 10 formats to 25 Extended Profiles. If necessary, further expansion to 99 Extended Profile formats is possible. (6.7.0, 07/08/2005)
- Lotus Notes, Outlook, and Thunderbird Wintouch integration has been enhanced in 6.9.9 and you can choose the version under Main Options > Preferences. You can now bring Wintouch information to Outlook and Lotus Notes email templates. (6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- View the Wintouch Java Console directly from Wintouch under the Main Options pull-down. If you are experiencing problems you can click the Email Wintouch Support button here. (6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- Define which Port your email client uses in Main Options > Preferences > Default Server Settings. (6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- In the parent-child window, we have separated the drop down to show only Parent accounts or only Child Accounts to alleviate confusion.
(6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- Wintouch now saves a historical record of all settings changes in Wintouch Settings Maintenance. (6.9.6, 1/12/2007)
- Too many Global Reports? The ability to Add Location level Groups, Templates, and Custom Reports is coming. (6.9.4, 11/10/2006)
- Account Search is now customizable with all of the fields from your Account Profile. (6.9.4, 11/10/2006)
- "Show on PDA/Mobile Phone" option in CustomizeTools and CustomizeTableTools windows. (6.9.1, 09/15/2006)
- Modal dialogs can be closed by pressing escape key. (6.8.9, 07/20/2006)
- Pop-up a warning message before canceling and closing profiles when they have been edited. (6.8.9, 07/20/2006)
- Addition of Thunderbird extension to use Thunderbird for composing new messages and saving received messages in activities. (6.9.1, 08/31/2006)
Import Data Tools
- With Duplicate checking on, you can now add extended profile data to existing accounts tied to existing contacts. (6.8.4, 04/18/2006)
- With duplicate checking turned on you can import data to existing Accounts and Extended Profiles. (6.8.4, 04/18/2006)
- Addition of "Send each email via separate TCP connection" option in Preferences to speed up email blasts on specific server configurations. (6.8.8, 07/07/2006)
- Addition of "Use Wintouch Address Validation" option in Preferences. This allows you to have the Skip Wintouch Validation checkbox enabled or disabled as the default. (6.8.0, 12/14/2005)
- Define Auto-formatting phone/fax numbers outside of the U.S. and Canada. (6.7.0, 07/08/2005)
- Support for second level profile (6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- Administrators may now copy report templates and Custom Reports from one user to another. (6.9.4, 11/10/2006)
- Report on activity notes by running a completed activity or scheduled activity report with the notes field in the Group Definition. The report has three different modes. (6.9.0, 08/01/2006)
- If you enter *mountain*, all activity notes with the word terrain will be included in your results.
- If you enter *ountain, notes with words that have characters before outain will display. Notes that contain words like mountain, fountain, etc. will display.
- If you enter mo*, notes with words that have characters after mo will display. Notes that contain words such as mount, mountain, mouse, mobile, mover, etc. will display.
Note: If you run a report at the "Account" level, you will report over Account Notes. If report over "completed" or "scheduled activity" levels, you will get activities notes.
- Report on the Type of Completed and Scheduled Activities (6.8.9, 08/01/2006).
- Report by Activity ID (6.8.9, 08/01/2006)
- Reports may now be cancelled with a simple stop button before they start listing results. (6.8.8, 06/01/2006)
Terminal Emulation Script Designer (Green Screen Macro)
- Account,Account/Contact, or Contact fields may be included in the content of emails. (6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- Emulation script designer automatically stores user and password in the Type command now. (6.9.9, 04/20/2007)
- Extended Profile fields may now be used in the Terminal Emulation Script Designer (Green Screen Macro). (6.8.1, 01/23/2006)
URL Script Designer
- Addition of URLScriptDesigner module. Wintouch fields or hardcoded data can now populate forms and fields on websites. These commands are saved as a button or link in the Account or Contact Summary windows. A sample use would be sending a search request to google or address information to map quest. (6.7.9, 11/28/2005)
User Profile
- Default Group Calendar added. You can now group users together so managers can more easily see their activities. (6.7.4, 09/13/2005)
Wintouch Lite
- Backup directory under Wintouch Lite directory. (6.8.3, 03/16/2006)
- Add Accounts and Contacts in Wintouch Lite mode. (6.8.3, 02/24/2006)
- Synchronization for 1,000 records should take less than 20 seconds as opposed to 2 minutes for a Pentium IV 2 GHz computer using DSL. (6.8.3, 02/24/2006)
Wintouch Settings Maintenance
- The Wintouch Settings Maintenance tool gives administrators a tree structure view of all Wintouch Settings, with simple copy features between default, user location, and user levels. (6.7.1, 07/28/2005)