Wintouch 6.4.x
Import Data Tools
- Duplicate check in ImportDataTools
- Unique keys can be set for account fields in Import Data Tools.
- Addition of "Remove column name" option to clear column name in ImportDataTools
- Addition of a progress Bar window to count imported and canceled records in ImportDataTools
- Right click to add a blank column between columns in import data tools.
Addition of "Personal Email Address", "Web Site" and "Email Address" fields in ImportDataTools
- "Account/Contact" and "Address Field" menus are disabled while no account or contact fields are set
- The ability to open other windows when the the Completed or Scheduled Activity window is open has been added.
- Addition of "Print Summary Screen" to Print menu within summary windows.
- Addition of "API Skip Flag" field to the listing files that by that it would be possible to set a flag for each record is sent to the client, defines that record should be ignored to be listed or not.
- In GroupDefinition, adding a new group, closes the "Select A Group" window and goes back to GroupDefinition window to set the definition for the new created group.
- One click reporting: The "Save as Custom Report" option in Report window. After you have customized a report, you now can create link or button for a report.
- Addition of "Delete Custom Report" option in Report menu to more quickly delete custom reports. You may still delete multiple custom reports using the Delete Customization option in the Administrator drop-down.
- Choose a created macro for exporting to Excel from the Report listing.
- "Include Profile and Address Fields with Extended Profile" check box in activities report.
User Profile
- In the User Profile you may now easily switch a User's location with a drop-down.
- Double clicking on users or locations list will show related properties in UserProfile.
- Making a user Inactive will disassociate the user from the related user location.
- A User's relationship to his User Location cannot be deleted.
- An active User cannot be removed (disassociated) from the Contact List in his/her User Location.
Web Form
- Addition of address fields to WintouchWebForm
Wintouch Lite
- Complete Redesign: Wintouch Lite downloads database based on the group, allows for synchronization of your Wintouch Lite database, and allows you to switch back and forth from Wintouch to Wintouch Lite.
- Administrative Features: Addition of Wintouch Lite option to Administration menu in main desktop which includes "Reset Wintouch Lite" and "Wintouch Lite Access Log Report" options.
- Using "Switch to using Wintouch" or "Switch to using Wintouch Lite" synchronizes the local database before closing Wintouch.
- In WorkFlowScriptDesignLayout, a new component has defined for the date type fields to set a specific values like "Next Week" or select a new date from the calendar.