Wintouch 6.2.x Enhancement(s)
- Addition of Organization Chart in contact summary, which is useful for displaying the chain of command within a company.
- Addition of the Parent Child Chart in contact summary, which is useful for displaying familial relationships.
- Addition of Parent Child Chart in account summary.
- Prompt for value has been added to Group Definition. You many now give the user the option to define the parameters in Searches and reports without having to design the structure of the Report or Search.
- Attachments can now be sent via email to others within the organization without logging an activity. This function is available when you right click on an attachment.
- Work flow scripts can now be generated from Wintouch.
- Addition of "Contact Relationship" and "Account Relationship" fields to the account contact menu in Import DataTools
- View All Notes feature has been added to the Activity drop down in the Account Summary Menubar. This will open up your activity log with all of the notes displayed.