6.1.x Enhancements
- Addition of a function to cancel receiving lists in the Account/Contact list, Activity Log and extended profile listing windows. When you see the number of records begin to add up in the listing window, then you are able to cancel (This function aborts the request on both server and client side).
- Addition of a feature in activity log window to get activities related to children of the opened account.
- Addition of possibility to change the properties of a group selected fields or columns in CustomizeTool and CustomizeTableTools
- Addition of "Postal Code" and "Province" to search by others option.
- Entering postal code value sets province and city in AddNewAccount, AddNewContact and ContactNew windows if the country is US.
- A confirm message appears when a contact is going to be disassociated from an account.
- CustomizeTableTools: When you click on the customize button in the daily activities window or in the report, search, or extended profile listings, a new method of customization has been added.
- A feature to set the default value of category, regarding, RSVP and activity type in Preferences (select Options then "Preferences" from the main menubar and then the Activity and Calendar Settings tab).
- The User-Defined Flag "Disable Import Data" was renamed to "Enable Import Data" and is defined as the 10th User Defined Flag.
- The "Enable Completion of Any Activity" User-Defined Flag has been added to the default windows settings tab under the User Profile drop down. This feature can be activated by selecting Administration, then "User Profile", then by double clicking on a selected user, and then by checking "Enable Completion of Any Activity". This feature gives Administrator Completion of Activity abilities to the user without giving them other Administrative abilities. In other words, they may now complete any activity.
- Addition of "Created By" column in the Activity Log and Daily, Weekly and Monthly activities to show created by user ID.
- Addition of "Account Name" column in the Extended Profile Listing This is useful to see what accounts you are related to in the Account-Contact Extended Profiles added in version 6.1.4 of Wintouch.
- Extended profiles may now have a custom default size. Addition of "Extended Profile Listing" in default window setting tab in Preferences. Select Options from the main menubar then "Preferences" from the pull-down menu and then click on the default window settings tab.
- Addition of the "Activity Log" button in
all Extended Profile Windows.
- Addition of Account-Contact Extended Profiles in
the Contact Summary Window. Gives extended profiles
the ability to show more than one account for a given
extended profile. For example, you have a customer service
representative that files information in an incident log.
account-contact extended lists all created account-contact extended profile for that specific contact which might be related to different accounts
Activity Naming Changes
- "Schedule An Activity" and "Complete An Activity" from the Activity pull-down in the Account and Contact summaries have been changed to "Schedule a New Activity" and "Complete a New Activity" to remove confusion.
- When a new activity is scheduled, the schedule an activity window now has "Schedule a New Activity" in the top left.
- When a new activity is completed, the complete an activity window now says "Complete a New Activity" in the top left.
- When an activity that has already been scheduled is edited, then the Schedule an Activity window says "Scheduled" in the top left corner.
- When an activity that has already been scheduled is completed, the Complete an Activity window says "Completed in the top left corner.
Save settings have changed.
- When you save customization as default, it no longer overwrites the user location and user settings, rather, default is stored as
its own setting. If you have user location and user settings
defined as well as a default settings, then user settings will
be visable. If you only have user location settings and default
settings defined, then the user location settings will be visible.
- A new preference option "Open Summary Window with Scheduled Activity" has been added under the "Activity & Calendar Settings" tab. If checked, then when you double click on an activity in the daily, weekly, or monthly, activity windows, the Schedule an Activity window will open along with the corresponding Account Summary Window.
Update for System Administrators
- Numeric fields now have two different designations.
Type U = A positive numeric field that does not contain commas (that separate thousands). Type N = An unsigned field that uses commas
to seperate thousands.
- A message is shown if there is any internal date format error to save an activity.
- A message is shown if launching MS Word or MS Excel is not possible because of incorrect path setting in Preferences.

- Addition of a server socket in Wintouch to receive requests
from applications such as Lotus Notes.