Wintouch Enhancements 6.0.x
- Addition of a right click add option for Reference
Information URL's in the Preferences Window. walkthru
- Expansion of the types of URL's accepted as a
Reference Information URL. The only characters that
cannot be in an URL are < > = ? + ; * !.
- Addition of a user-defined flags drop-down list under
the Default Window Settings tab in the Preferences window.
This option is only visible in default windows settings if
you highlight the user profile window. walkthru
- You may now have multiple Reference Information URL's. Reference URL's can be used to quickly access your pricing information,
marketing/sales scripts, product catalogs, and company portals. walkthru
- Addition of "Default Time Zone" in Preferences walkthru
- Complete Activities directly from the Account or Contact Summary
Windows, or the Scheduled Pane in the Activity Log! walkthru
Google Search Icon: Clicking on the Google Search icon located next to Account Name launches a browser window pointed to the google search page with the Account Name as the search.
- Addition of the Related Email Address Window (Useful for emailing
multiple people you had a meeting with).
- Addition of a type in year function for the calendar. walkthru
- An option to transfer attached documents to a
completed activity by pressing the "Complete" button
within a Scheduled Activity.
- "Male or Female", "Name Spelling Verified" and
"Personal Email Address" fields in AccountSummary
and ContactSummary Windows.
- "Telephone" and "Extension" in Schedule
and Complete Activities window.
- Increased the length of contact first name, contact last name, contact middle name, contact short name to 20 characters. Increased the account or contact telephone fields to 25 characters.