Enhancements List
- Addition of a link next to the AddressLine-1 field to show the address map using MapQuest.
- "Account or Contact Address" radio buttons to
the AddNewAccount window, which defines the address
as tied to the account or contact.
- "Default Window Setting" tab in Preferences to set
window size and window title.
- "Telephone and "Extension" in Schedule and Complete Activities window.
- "Generation" and "Suffix" to the Contact Profile.
- Customization Button in Daily and Completed Activities, Account and Contact Search Result Lists, AddNewAccount, AddNewContact, and Add New Contact to an Account (Contact New) Windows.
- Customization Button in Daily and Completed
Activities, Account and Contact Search Result Lists,
AddNewAccount, AddnewContact, and Add New Contact
to an Account (Contact New) Windows.
- A checkbox to skip duplication check by contact name.
- "Male of Female", "Name Spelling Verified" and
"Personal Email Address" fields in AccountSummary
and ContactSummary Windows.
- An option to transfer attached documents to a
completed activity by pressing the "Complete" button
within a Scheduled Activity.
- "ImportData" tool to Option menu within Main Desktop.
- *DEFAULT for emulator IP address will dynamically pull in IP address from Wintouch connection.
- In telephone field "+", "-" and space are allowed to enter if the telephone format for that country is not defined in TelephonFormat.properties.
- Deletion of Account and Contact in account and contact summary is not allowed if account id is between 1 and 999 and contact id is between 1001 and 99999.
- Deletion of "Account Related" and "Home Address" buttons from the ContactProfile window.
- Deletion of "Users" and "Extended Profile" items from the "Table Editor"
- Increased the length of contact first name, contact last name, contact middle name, contact short name to 20 characters. Increased the account or contact telephone fields to 25 characters.