Twitter Integration Setup and Feature Functionality

Setting Up Twitter with the Integration Manager

The Wintouch Twitter Integration Manager is used to set up your Twitter Integration. Please view the following guide to activate Twitter Integration.

Window Map

Description of user interface components

Authentication Information

Consumer Key: This key is obtained when you create your application within your companies Twitter account.

Consumer Sectet: This key is also obtained after you create your application within your companies Twitter account.

Settings Button Press this button to open up a dialog which will allow you to add or edit the authentication information. You cannot delete these keys from this dialog. To delete the information in this dialog you must go to Wintouch Settings Maintenance.


Note: The first time you open the Twitter Integration Manager you will see a message saying "The Consumer Key and Consumer Secret has not been specified yet, cannot create account". Once this has been done you can create and manage your accounts.

Push Buttons

Add: Select this button to add an account.

Delete: Press this button to delete an account.

Edit: Select this button to edit an existing account.

Close: Use this button to close the Twitter Integration Manager.

Help: The help button directs you to our online help documentation.

Setting Up Twitter Application & Integration

Creating a Twitter Application in your Twitter Account

We recommend that you use the company's main Twitter account. Go to and log in with your Twitter account to begin creating you application.

  1. Sign in with your company's Twitter account.

  2. After you have signed in you will be directed to the My Applications page. Now select the Create a new application button.

  3. Inter the Name, Description, and Website URL. The Callback URL is optional. In our example we have prefixed or application name with Wintouch CRM followed by our fictitious company name.

  4. Scroll down and check the agreement checkbox, fill in the captcha and press the Create your Twitter application button.

  5. Congratulations! Your application has been created. Please take note of the Consumer Key and the Consumer Secret located at the bottom of the screen. You will need to copy and paste these keys into the Authentication Dialog in Wintouch.

  6. In Wintouch go to Administration -> Social Networking -> Manage Twitter Integration Accounts.

  7. When the Twitter Integration Manager open press the Settings button.

  8. In the Authentication dialog paste the key codes in their corresponding fields and press OK.

  9. Now you will see the codes have been recorded and are now grayed out.

  10. Select the Add button.

  11. Add the user name in the name field and press the Next button.

  12. Click on the URL which will take you to the login page for the Twitter account.

  13. Enter the User name and password for the Twitter account and select the Authorize button.

  14. Copy the authorization code.

  15. Enter the authorization code and press the Finish button.

  16. Enable the user by checking the enable check box.

  17. Note: Your Twitter integration should be functioning properly now. To test the functionality go to Options , Twitter , Search and open the Tweets Search dialog. Enter a search query into the search box and press the search button.

Using the Account Level Twitter Integration

  1. From the Account Summary Desktop menu select Account -> Social Networking Profile -> Twitter Profile.

  2. The Search results will appear after you have selected Twitter Profile. Here you can search for the corresponding Twitter account. After you have found the account you may click on the View Profile button to view the company's Twitter profile.

Using the Contact Level Twitter Integration

  1. From the Account Summary Desktop menu select Contact -> Social Networking Profile -> Twitter Profile.

  2. The Search results will appear after you have selected Twitter Profile. Here you can search for the corresponding Twitter contact. After you have found the contact you may click on the View Profile button to view the contact's Twitter profile.

Using the Twitter Integration Search Feature

  1. From the Main Desktop menu select Options -> Twitter -> Search.

  2. In the Twitter search dialog you may enter a search query and search the Twitter database. You can then find the intended tweet and reply.

Deleting Authentication Information

  1. The authentication key cannot be deleted from the Twitter Authentication Integration Manager. The key can only be deleted by an administrator in Wintouch Settings Maintenance. Go to Administration -> Wintouch Settings Maintenance.

  2. Then locate the Twitter Integration folder found in the Default folder. From the Twitter Integration folder you may delete the key.

Posting a Tweet

  1. To post a Tweet to the Twitter community go to Options -> Twitter -> Tweet from the Main Desktop menu..

  2. Enter your tweet in the dialog and press the Tweet button. The number 140 in the right corner indicates the maximum amount of characters you may enter.