Add New Item

This window is reached by right-clicking on a Wintouch Primary Table (Branch) in the Table Editor and selecting Add a New Item . From this window the Administrator can add new items to the existing table.


Definition: Enter a new table item name in this field.
Primary Code: The system automatically generates the codes for the table entries unless Manual Code Assignment is selected when the table is added. Manual Code Assignment should be selected if the Wintouch Administrator needs to designate the codes. In this case, codes can be generated based on a number of criteria. Numeric, alpha numeric, and alpha based upper and lower along with any special characters can be used. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to not assign any intelligence to the codes.

Check Boxes

System Flag: This indicates that the table is a system table; a necessary table required to run the Wintouch application.
Note: A system table cannot be deleted.

Push Buttons

Apply: This button saves the new table item information to the AS/400. Table Editor is the active window.
Cancel: This button exits the window without saving the table information.
Help: Displays online help for the active window.