Resetting Wintouch Lite

Resetting Wintouch Lite is necessary in the following cases

  1. You have created a Wintouch Lite database and have not had a subsequent synchronization before removing the Wintouch Lite database.
  2. You have had a subsequent synchronization but can no longer access Wintouch Lite. You have deleted the Wintouch Lite folder to gain access to Wintouch and would like to create a new Wintouch Lite database.

Reset Wintouch Lite for User: This drop down list allows you to select which user you would like Wintouch Lite reset for. You may only reset one Wintouch Lite user at a time.

Push Buttons

OK: Select this button to reset Wintouch Lite for a user.

Cancel: Select this button to exit without resetting a Wintouch Lite for a user.

Help: Select this button to get on-line help for the active window.