There are three general types of reports that can be viewed in Wintouch. Select one of the report types by clicking on the radio buttons in the Type section. You can choose either Profile and Address, Extended Profiles, or Activities.
Default Address Type: This drop-down box contains all the Address Type selections that are available from the Account Summary Address Book. The address type that you select in this drop-down will be the address type that is displayed in the report. For example, if you have the Main Address selected, this will be the address that is displayed in the report. The Main Address is the default address type. If you selected the Mailing Address type in this drop-down, the report will display the Mailing Address . However if the account does not have a Mailing Address it will display the Main Address as a default.
Use preferred mailing address if available: PreferredMailingAddress
Show notes in a text box: Select the Add button to begin creating a custom report.
Excel Macro File: Select the Delete button to delete reports from the listing.
To run a report from the Profile and Address level select the corresponding radio button. Within the Profile and Address level there are 3 sub-levels available, Account, Contact, and Account/Contact. Each of these sub-levels has specific fields available from Wintouch. To select one of these three options use the drop-down box located directly below the radio buttons. By default Account will be selected and displayed in the drop-down box. If you leave the default setting the report will be generated at the account level. To create the report at the Contact or Account/Contact level click on the drop-down box and make a selection.
Account: The account sub-level will display fields that are found in the Account Profile window.
Contact: The contact sub-level will display fields that are found in the Contact Profile window.
Account/Contact: The account/contact sub-level will display fields that are found in the Contact Profile, Account Profile, and Account/Contact Profile windows.
To run a report from the Extended Profiles level select the corresponding radio button. Then pick the extended profile you wish to run by choosing one of the items in the drop-down box. If you run a report at the Extended Profile level, the available fields will be those of the particular Extended Profile you selected. You also have the option of including fields from the Profile and Address or the Activities level. Each Extended Profile in your system is tied to the Account, Account/Contact, or Contact level. Because of this, if you include fields from the Profile and Address level, only those Profile and Address fields at the sub-level the Extended Profile is attached to will be available to you. You can add these fields by selecting the check box in the Options section.
The Activities level of reporting includes the Scheduled and Completed sub-levels. If you run a report at this level, the available fields will be those of the Activities windows. You also have the option, however, of including fields from either the Extended Profile and/or the Profile and Address level. In order to include Extended Profile-level fields in an Activities level report, the activities records must be attached to that Extended Profile. For example, you might want to run a report on a particular incident that occurred, including all activities related to that incident and fields from both the Activities and the Incident Log Extended Profile levels. For fields from the Incident Log Extended Profile to be available in this report, the activities included in your report must be attached to an incident in the Incident Log. Click here to learn more about attaching activities to an extended profile.