The Editor window allows the user to add account and or contact information to a letter. To open this window, select Letter from the Print pull-down menu.
Note: This editor does not open word and is not the same as the template builder.
To add Wintouch data to a letter using the Editor window:
- Right-click on the area of the letter where you would like to place Wintouch data.
- A list of field descriptions related to the account or contact will open. Select which available Wintouch information fields to place in the letter.
- Use the Edit and Format drop-down menus to further format the letter.
New: This command opens a new document.
Open: This command opens a previously created document.
Save: This command saves the changes made to the open document.
E-mail: This command opens up the New Message window of the Wintouch e-mail client, allowing you to send an email message.
E-mail with PDF: This command allows you to email the document in the form of a PDF.
Print: This command prints the open document.
Close: This command closes the open document without saving changes.
Cut: This command removes highlighted text (Ctrl-X).
Copy: This command stores highlighted text to allow it to be immediately pasted elsewhere. (Ctrl-C)
Paste: This command places copied text onto a document. (Ctrl-V)
Select All: This command highlights the entire document for the next command. (Ctrl-A)
Undo: This command restores the document to the way it was before the last command. (Ctrl-Z)
Redo: This command reverses the Undo command. (Ctrl-Y)
Find: Select this feature to search for text within the document.
Find Again: Select this feature to repeat the last search request.
Replace: Select this feature to find and replace text within the document.
The following selections apply to any text that has been highlighted in the HTML Editor.
Font Bold: Select this option to bold the highlighted text.
Font Italic: Select this option to italicize the highlighted text.
Font Underline: Select this option to underline the highlighted text.
Strikeout: Select this option to apply a strikeout through the highlighted text.
Font: Open this dialog to customize the font family, size, and color.
Justify: Select this option to justify the text to the left, right, or center of the document.
Bullets: Select this option to apply bullets to a list.
Show Toolbar: Allows you to turn the toolbar on and off.
Customize Toolbar: Allows you to select which icons you want to display on the toolbar.
Note: For a more detailed description, see "Customization" in the main help
Contents: Shows help for Printing a Letter.
Push Buttons
OK: Saves the selected settings and returns to the HTML Editor window.
Cancel: This button exits the window without saving the font format information.