Preferences Default Windows Settings

The Default Windows Settings tab gives you the option to set the size of certain windows in Wintouch. It is especially useful when you have windows that have a great deal of information in them. Review the example below to see how to set a custom window setting.


  1. Choose which window you wish to customize from the Windows pane. In the below example we will be customizing the Contact Profile window. After we have highlighted our selection, we will notice that Contact Profile will appear in the Title field in the upper right portion of the right window pane. By default the width and height are maximized so the fields are grayed out. Uncheck the Maximized check boxes for width and height. The fields will light up and become active.

  2. Now you can enter the field size values of your choice into the fields for width and height. For this example we will use 500 for width and 500 for height.

  3. Select the Apply button, (This must be done after you customize each window) then select the Save button at the bottom of the Preferences window.

  4. Choose the level you would like to save the customization and select OK in the Save As dialog

  5. Select Yes or Not in the following dialog box dependent on whether you wish to continue making changes in the Preferences window or not.

Note: Locate the window in Wintouch that you customized. You may have to experiment with different size values to find a size that you like.