Enabling the Service Portal Dashbaord

The Service Portal Dashboard must be enabled in Wintouch Web. When enabling the Dashboard you have the option of selecting an Accoount, and/or User level Dashboard. The choice depends entirely on your requirements. The Account dashboard will open using a percentage height of the available screen space while the User dashboard opens in its own window over the port enty view.

User Dashboard


Account Dashboard


1. Login to Wintouch Web and select the Dashboard button from the main menu.


2. From the Account Dashboard panel, select the Dashboard you wish to use and press the Link icon.


3. When the Account Dashboard Links window opens select the Add button.


4. Tick the Portal radio button and from the drop down, select the portal for this dashboard.


5. Next select the Plus icon.


6. Select and hightlight the dashboard you wish to user, then check the Open with Account Summary On Web check box. Also add a numberic value for the Default Height Percentage, and then click Ok.

Note: You may also customize the Account Type settings to restrict this dashboeard to open in a specific Account Type. This allows you to have a unique dashboard for every Account Type.

7. Again select the Save button, then close the Account Dashboard Links window. The Dashboard has now been linked to the Portal.