Parent Child Chart

This chart displays the relationships that have been assigned between the selected account and other accounts. These relationships allow you to view the business associations between the accounts. From this chart you can add, edit, or delete parent or child relationships for the selected account.

Window Map

Left Window Pane: The left window pane displays all of the defined parent or child relationships.
Right Window Pane: The right window pane displays the tree configured relationships.
Note to Administrators: To add or remove the Parent/Child relationship selections that are viewed in the left window pane, go to the Account to Account Relationship Types folder in the Table Editor, and add or remove items.

Push Buttons

Refresh: Select this button to update the list to reflect any changes since the window was opened.
Drill To: Select this button to open the Parent/Child accounts to any highlighted account boxes where there is a Parent or Child Icon.
Open: Highlight an account box in the tree view and select this button to open the Account Summary.
Print: Select this button to print the Parent Child Relationship window.
Cancel: Exits the window without saving any changes or additions made in the fields and returns you to the previous window.
Help: Displays on-line help for the active window.

Right-Click Options

In the following examples there are three different pop ups that can occur when you right-click on an account.

  1. When you right click on accounts above the selected account, you will have the option to add a parent relationship, edit a child relationship, or remove a child relationship.

  2. When you right click on the selected account, you will have the option to add a parent or child relationship.

  3. When you right click on an account below the selected account, you will have the option to add a child relationship, edit a parent relationship, or remove a parent relationship.

Add Child Relationship or Add Parent Relationship: Use this feature to add a parent or child relationship.
Follow this Link: For a Step By Step Example of Adding a Parent Relationship
Edit Child Relationship or Edit Parent Relationship: When selected the Organization Relationships window will open. Assign the appropriate parent or child relationship.
Remove Child Relationship: Eliminates the selected child account from the Parent Child Graph. Both parent and child relationships are eliminated.
Remove Parent Relationship: Eliminates the selected account as a parent. Both parent and child relationships are eliminated.