This window displays the parent relationships of the active account. You can get to the Parent Relationship Listing window by selecting Account from the Account Summary menu-bar then Parent Account from the pull-down menu or by clicking on the Parent Account button at the bottom of the Account Summary window.
Note: If the Parent Account button is not lit up in the Account Summary, then the account either has no parents or they haven't been entered into the system yet.
The column order may be changed by clicking and dragging the column headings to the left or right. Clicking any of the headings will arrange the listed accounts according to that heading. Clicking the same heading again will reverse the order of the accounts.
Select Relationship Type: This drop-down list allows you to select a specific relationship type (Customer, Division, Regional Office, etc.), which allows the user to filter through the list of parent or child relationships.
Profile: This button allows you to view and/or edit the relationship profile of the highlighted account. Select this button to open the Account Relationships window.
Add: Select this button to add a Parent relationship to the active account. The Account Search window will open.
Delete: Select this button to delete a Parent relationship from the account. You will get a confirmation window before the relationship is permanently removed.
Open: Select this button to open the highlighted parent account.
Refresh: Select this button to update the list to reflect any changes since the window was opened.
Cancel: Exits the window without saving any changes or additions made in the fields and returns you to the previous window.
Help: Displays on-line help for the active window.