Wintouch has the ability to check to see if you are importing any duplicate account or contact data during the import process. Wintouch can detect duplicate account data, duplicate contact data, or both, dependent on which function you select prior to the import process. Once a duplication is found Wintouch will give you the option to either continue importing the duplicate information or omitting the information from the import by using the skip option. Wintouch will request you to select one of these two options each time it detects a duplication. You can also select a function that will automatically omit all duplications found without requesting any command from the user.
Check for Duplication: Select this check box prior to import to enable the duplication check function.
Skip Duplication Check by Account Name: Select this check box prior to import if you want to check for duplicate contacts only.
Skip Duplication Check by Contact Name: Select this check box prior to import if you want to check for duplicate accounts only.
Do Not Add Duplicate Accounts: Selecting this check box prior to import will command Wintouch to automatically omit any duplicate accounts that are found. After selecting this option Wintouch will not notify you of any duplicates found. It will simply complete the import process and indicate the results in the Completed and Ignored dialog box.
Do Not Add Duplicate Contacts: Selecting this check box prior to import will command Wintouch to automatically omit any duplicate contacts that are found. After selecting this option Wintouch will not notify you of any duplicates found. It will simply complete the import process and indicate the results in the Completed and Ignored dialog box.
In the following example you can see that all the column headers have been assigned the correct Wintouch fields for import. Before you select the Import button, you must select the Check for Duplication check box. In this example we will include one duplicate account to the import process.
1. After all the column headers have been selected, select the Check for Duplication check box and then select the Import button.
2. Notice the Duplicate Account found window appears with the name of the duplicate account that was detected. Now you have three commands that you must choose from to continue the import process.