Wintouch allows you to link Facebook User ID's to any Account and/or Contact. For an Account you would likely connect to a company Facebook page while connecting contacts to personal User Profiles. Once the User ID value is added to the Facebook ID field, clicking on the Facebook icon will open the corresponding Facebook profile.
Facebook conceals the User ID. To get the User ID you must query the Open Graph. This can be done many ways but the simplest can be done following these instructions.
1. Login to your Facebook account and locate the User Profile for the ID you wish to attain.
2. Copy the portion of the URL before the question mark character. This will be everything starting from the http protocol and ending after the username.
3. Follow this URL to the web page seen below. Scroll to the bottom of the page and paste the URL into the Facebook User ID Finder, then click the Fetch User ID button.
4. Copy the User ID form the Open Graph Response.
5. Open the Wintouch Account Summary or Contact Summary and paste the id into the Facebook ID field.
Now you can click on the Facebook icon to the right of the Facebook ID field. This will open the Facebook User Profile window in a browser.