You can define your Extended Profiles after you click "Add" in the Extended Profile Listing Window, or by highlighting an existing profile in the list and clicking on "Select". A window will open that will show the Extended Profile Name in the Title Bar. We will be using a Sales Profile as our example in this help section.
Your organization maintains information on various types of business relationships that it has with accounts and contacts (Sales, Customer Service, Marketing, Collections, etc.). Separate disciplines have unique information requirements; fields that are of interest to one discipline are not necessarily of interest to another. Wintouch can separate different types of information for accounts and contacts into windows called Extended Profiles. Each account can maintain up to 10 different Extended Profiles, with a virtually unlimited number of profile records of each type. Extended Profiles can be maintained at the account or contact level. The name of an Extended Profile will be displayed in the Title Bar of the window.
Within all Extended Profile windows, there may be a number of defined "user fields" created specifically for a particular Wintouch client environment. For example, in the sales profile above there are many fields such as Sales Product, Sales Status, etc. These fields tend to be custom to your environment.
Note: The Notes field is generally included in Extended Profiles. Tab to the Notes field to document any free-form information regarding the account or contact as it relates to the Extended Profile.
Note: This field is virtually limitless in length.
Complete: Select this button to complete an activity associated with the active Extended Profile. When selected, the Complete An Activity window appears along with the Extended Profile for better direct reference.
Note: When you complete an activity using an extended profile, the profile button will light up when you view the completed activity in the Activity Log.Schedule: Select this button to schedule an activity associated with the active Extended Profile. When selected, the Schedule An Activity window appears along with the Extended Profile for better direct reference.
Note: When you schedule an activity using an extended profile, the profile button will light up when you view the scheduled activity in the Activity Log.Note: When the scheduled activity is eventually completed, the associated profile will be "carried over" to the newly completed activity along with all other activity information.OK: Select this button to save data additions or changes and exit the window.
Customize: Allows the use to add, delete, and arrange fields in the window.
Cancel: Exits the window or dialog screen without saving any changes or additions made in the fields and returns you to the previous window.
Help: Select this button to get helpful information regarding the current window or dialog screen.