This window lists all profiles for a specific Extended Profile type. You can get to this window by selecting an Extended Profile from the Account or Contact pull-down menus in the Account or Contact Summary menubars, or by selecting an icon from the Account or Contact Summary toolbars, or by holding down the appropriate hotkey (This will be defined upon install, so it is not listed here. Generally, you will hold the control key and a number key at the same time with either the Account or Contact Summary windows open). All Extended Profiles added to the active account are categorized by Account, Account/Contact, or Contact relationships. The Extended Profile Listing Window (Also may be referred to as an Extended Profile List-Box) below shows a Customer Profile.
Each Extended Profile List Box has its own specific headings. Clicking on any of the column headings will arrange the listings according to that column. Clicking the same heading again will reverse the column order. You may also increase or decrease column widths by dragging the mouse between column headings.
Note: Extended Profiles will most likely be different for accounts and contacts. Examples of account specific Extended Profiles would be Quote History, Sales History, Invoice History, and Opportunities, with each specific profile having its own headings in the window that will open once you click on the Extended Profile. For Sales History, the headings could include Product, YTD Quantity, YTD Sales, etc...; while the Quote History would have headings such as Quote Number, Quote Amount, and so forth. Examples of contact specific Extended Profiles could be an Incident Log, Interest and Hobbies, and Literature. For the Incident Log, headings could include First Name, Last Name, Incident, Priority Level, Date Resolved, Incident Rep., and other customized options. As you can see, an Extended Profile is customized to meet either your BtoB or BtoC Data Relationship Management needs.
To view all of the profile notes, right-click on any cell in a profile row and use the scroll bar to the right of the pop-up window. To close the pop-up notes click anywhere outside of the window.
Complete: This button will open the Complete an Activity window allowing you to directly link the activity with the selected record.
Schedule: This button will open the Schedule an Activity window allowing you to directly like the activity with the selected record.
Word: This button will open up Microsoft word allowing you to merge data from the selected record into a formatted word document.
HTML: This button will open an "Open" dialog box, which allows you to navigate to an HTML template and merge the extended profile data into a final document.
Select: This button will display the details of the highlighted extended profile.
Add: Select this button to add an extended profile for the active account and/or contact.
Delete: Select this button to delete an extended profile for the active account and/or contact.
Activity Log: Select this button to open the Activities Log related to the specific extended profile.
Customize: Select this button to open the customize tool window which will allow you to add or remove the categories and change their order in this window.
Cancel: Exits the window without saving any changes or additions.
Help: Displays on-line help for the active window.