Dashboard Customize Tool

  1. Window Map
  2. Creating a Dashboard

Window Map

The Dashboard Customize Tool window is used to customize the dashboards. From this window you can add new dashboards, or edit and delete existing dashboards.


Insert Buttons

The chart buttons are located in the upper left corner of the window. They appear as small icons. There are 4 of them each having their own function as defined below. If you hover with your mouse over the icon, each will give a pop up defining their action.

Push Buttons

OK: Press this button to save changes made in the Customize window.

Cancel: Press this button to cancel any changes made in the Customize window and close the window.

Help: Select this button to access online help documentation.

Creating a Dashboard Example

In the following example we are going to generate a pie chart that will display the year to date sales of our top 5 accounts.

  1. From the Main Desktop menu, select Reports, then Dashboards from the drop-down menu, and then Manage Dashboards from the sub-menu.

  2. In the Dashboard Manager window, select the Add button.

  3. When the Create a New Activity dialog opens, select a name for the dashboard and press OK.

    Note: After step 3 the administrator users will select a location to save the Dashboard when the Save As dialog appears.

  4. In the Customize Tool window, select the Insert New Chart icon.

  5. Select the custom report that is to be used for the dashboard and press Next.

  6. Next select the chart type and press Next. For our example we are using a pie chart with a three dimensional effect.

  7. Our custom report we used contains two data items, Account Name , and Sales YTD. Enter the Account Name item into the category box, and the Sales YTD into the summary box, and select finish .

  8. The following chart will appear in the Customize Tool window. This is not the chart that you will see in the dashboard. This chart is displayed so you may drag and position it in the place of your choice with in the window. Grab the positioning bar and drag it to the right to extend the length of the dashboard.

  9. When you are done positioning the dashboard it should look like the example below. Press the OK button.

  10. The completed dashboard will appear as seen below.