This window allows the user to make changes within the Wintouch toolbar display. This window can be opened by selecting Options then "Customize Toolbar" from any menubar within the window you currently have open.
Note: Recall that there are toolbars tied to the Main Desktop, Account Summary, and Contact Summary desktops. Icons you place in those toolbars will only appear in those toolbars.
Menu Bar: This list mimics the pull-down lists in the Wintouch window pane. Highlighting a list item here actuates its associated list in the Functions screen area.
- Functions: Lists available menu items to be selected based on the highlighted Menu item. To add an icon to your toolbar, select and drag it to the appropriate location in the toolbar area of the Customize Toolbar window.
Note: To remove an icon from your toolbar, click on it and drag it off of the toolbar.
Submenu Item List Where applicable, this list mimics the submenu list of the pull-down menu items in the Wintouch secondary pane. Highlighting a list item here actuates its associated menu list in the Functions screen area (Translation: If you click on the plus it lets you go deeper in the list).
- Functions: A list of available menu items to be selected based on the highlighted Submenu item. To add an icon to your Toolbar, select and drag it to the appropriate location in the toolbar area of the Customize Toolbar window.
Note: To remove an icon from your toolbar, click on it and drag it off of the toolbar.
In the right window pane, right-click with the mouse on an available (not dimmed out) Wintouch menu item. This will open a pop-up menu.
Icon Text: Use this field to change the textual description of the icon in the toolbar. (See the Options tab below).
Note: The field name is the same as the icon name, so don't get worried when the names are the same here.
Tool tip: (Popup Information) Use this field to change the default textual description of the popup that results when you hover over the icon.
Select this menu item to Disable/Enable the highlighted toolbar icon. This selection disables the Wintouch function for the highlighted Toolbar icon and subsequent pull-down Menu item. The Disable menu item is only available to Wintouch Administrators. Use this feature when disabling specific functions for all Wintouch users or a group of users.
Note: When a Wintouch toolbar icon is disabled in this way, the associated Wintouch pull-down menu selection is also disabled for the end user.
Select from the drop-down list the icon you wish to represent the menu option.
Determine how the applet's toolbar looks by using the appropriate radio button. When selected, each button will immediately change the appearance of the Toolbar.
Icon Only Button: No textual description is displayed under the icon. However, by placing your cursor on an icon, you will still see a pop-up description.
Text Only Button: Only textual description is displayed.
Icon and Text Button: Includes a textual description with the icon.
OK: Saves any changes you made to the toolbar.
Cancel: Exits the window without making any changes.
Help: Displays online help for the active window.