Contact Relationships Account List

This window lists the account(s) related to the active contact profile. You can get to this window by selecting the Account Relations button in the active Contact Profile window or by selecting the Account Relations button in the Duplicate Contacts listing window.

Push Buttons

Profile: This allows you to view and/or edit the relationship profile of the highlighted account. Select this button to open the Account Relationships window.


Add: This button will add another account relationship to the active Contact Profile. Select this button to open the Account Search window to find the account. After locating the desired account, and opening it, the Account Relationship window opens allowing you to link the account to the contact.

Add and Copy Relationship: This button will add another account relationship to the active Contact Profile while maintaining the existing Account Relationship information. Select this button to open the Account Search window to find the account. After locating the desired account, and opening it, the Account Relationship window opens allowing you to link the account to the contact.

Delete: This button will eliminate an account-contact relationship. Select this button to remove the existing relationship between the active contact and a particular account.

Open: Select this button to open a highlighted account.

Refresh: Select this button to view the most recent updates made to the contacts in the listing.

Customize: Select this button to add or remove fields from the listing box.

Print: Select this button to print the results found in the listing box.

Cancel: Exits the window without saving any changes or additions made in the fields and returns you to the previous window.

Help: Displays on-line help for the active window.