This window displays a contact's personal information. You can access this window by selecting Contact from the Account Summary menubar, then Profile from the drop-down menu, then Edit Personal Information , or by clicking on the Personal Profile icon in the Account Summary Tool-bar, or by holding down the Ctrl and O keys at the same time while in the Account Summary window.
Salutation: Tab to this field to give a contact a courtesy title by selecting the desired title from the drop-down list.
Contact ID: This field displays the Contact ID. You may not change it.
Note: This is different from the Account ID.
First Name (Formal): Tab to this field to edit the contact's first name.
Middle Name: Tab to this field to enter or edit the contact's middle name.
Last Name: Tab to this field to edit the contact's last name.
Short Name (Nick Name): Tab to this field to enter the contact's name to be used during informal correspondence or closer relationships.
Phone (Home Phone): Tab to this field to edit or enter a contact's home telephone number.
Note: Do not use parenthesis or hyphens.
Mailing Address (Home): Type in the contact's home address
Preferred Mailing Address: Use this push button to open the Address Book window to input this address. The preferred mailing address will subsequently be used as the default address for all correspondence with this contact
Clear Button: Select the Clear button to remove the Preferred Mailing Address from the field.
E-Mail Address: Tab to this field to edit or enter a contact's personal e-mail address.
Gender: Choose the appropriate Male or Female radio button to select the gender of your contact.
Name Spelling Verified: This check box will indicate if the spelling of the contact's name has been verified. Click once to place an X-mark in the Spelling Verified box.
Birth Month: Select the Birth Month of your contact from the drop-down menu.
Birth Day: Select the Birth Day of your contact from the drop-down menu
Note: You can use the birth day information to mail birthday cards to your contacts.
Spouse: If your contact has a spouse, type in his/her name.
Home Office Code: Select Yes is the contact has a home office, otherwise select no.
Personal Cell: Tab to this field to edit or enter a contact's home telephone number.
Note: Do not use parenthesis or hyphens.
Country Code: Tab to this field to select the contact's country from the drop-down list.
Note: Tab to this field to enter free-form information related to the contact. All notes will remain in the Notes field until manually deleted.
Within the Contact Profile window there may be a number of defined "user fields" created specifically for a particular Wintouch client environment.
Account Relations: This button will display a list of all accounts that the contact is associated with.
OK: Select this button to save data additions/changes and exit the ContactProfile window.
Customize: Allows the user to add, delete, and arrange fields displayed in the window.
Cancel: Exits the window without saving any changes and returns you to the previous window.
Help: Displays on-line help for the active window.