This window will allow you to add a new contact to the active account. You can get to this window by selecting Contact from the Account Summary menubar, then selecting Add New Contact and Relate them to this Account from the pull-down list. You may also add a New Contact to the account by clicking on the New Contact icon in the Account Summary toolbar or by holding down the [Ctrl-N] keys while the Account Summary window is open.
Note: After adding the new contact he/she will appear in the Account Summary contact area as the active contact.
First Name: Tab to this field to enter the contact's first name.
Middle Name: Tab to this field to enter or edit the contact's middle name.
Last Name: Tab to this field to enter the contact's last name.
Note: First and Last Name entry is required for a new contact to be added.
Contact Telephone / Extension: Tab to these fields to edit or enter a contact's company telephone number and extension if they exist. If the contacts country is set to something other than USA, more than ten digits may be entered in this field.
Note: Do not use parenthesis or hyphens.
Contact Fax: Tab to this field to edit or enter a contact's company fax number.
Home/Cell Phone: Enter the contact's home telephone or cell phone number.
Note: Do not use parenthesis or hyphens.
E-Mail: Enter or edit the contact's account related e-mail address.
Job Title: Tab to this field to enter the contact's job title.
Gender Selection Radio Buttons: Select the radio button for the main contact's gender. Do this by left clicking on the circle to the left of male of female. Your selection will have a black dot in the center.
Name Spelling Verified Check Box: This check box will indicate if the spelling of the contact's name has been verified. Click once to place a check in the Name Spelling Verified box.
Country: Tab to this field to select the contact's country from the drop-down list.
Note: The default account country is set in the Preferences window.
Skip Duplication Check By Contact Name: Wintouch will automatically search for duplicate records from your database based upon the contact's name, account name, e-mail address, and telephone number (regardless of punctuation and capitalization). If you wish to skip the search by contact name, check the Skip Duplication Check by Contact Name Box.
Skip Other Address Validation: When this check box is unchecked Wintouch will use the address validation function on Wintouch server If the address validation service is unavailable.
Customize:> Select this button to add, delete, and arrange fields in the active window.
OK: Select this button to create a new contact and proceed to the Contact Profile, or to the Duplicate Contact List dialog box if there are duplicate contacts in the database.
Cancel: This button exits the window without saving the new account information.
Help: Displays online help for the active window.