The Completed Activities window allows the user to view a list of his/her completed activities over a specified time frame. To open this window, select Activity from the Main menubar and choose Completed Activities from pull-down menu or click on the Completed Activities icon in the Main tool-bar. This window will default to the activities for the signed-on Wintouch user.
To view or edit any completed activity, simply double-click on the highlighted record or highlight a record and select the Open button and the Completed Activity will open in front of the related Account Summary or Contact Summary window.
The column headings are displayed in the Completed Activities window from left to right. Clicking any of the headings will arrange the listed records according to that heading. Clicking the same heading again will reverse the order of the records. You can also customize the column headings by selecting the Customize button. To view the entire contents of the notes field of any activity, hover your mouse over the selected activity and right click.
You are able to view a different set of completed activities by specifying the time frame by clicking on the two date buttons to the right of the From and To fields. After selecting OK in the calendar window, the resulting completed activity will be displayed.
Just below the title bar there are 4 fields which will total up the number of Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds used to complete the displayed activities.
To view the completed activities for another user select the name from the User drop-down list.
Open: This button will select and display the account/contact summary associated with the highlighted activity.
Refresh: This button will update any activities which have been completed since this window was opened.
Customize: Use this button to add, delete, and arrange fields in the active window.
Close: Select this button to close and exit the Completed Activities window.
Help: Select this button for on-line help on the active window.