The Wintouch Emulation Script Designer utilizes a number of commands that can be used to build the terminal emulation script. The Command Properties window will allow the designer to set command parameters. The parameter properties in this window are particular to the selected command. The following is a list of Commands and their related properties.
Double-click on a command in the Available Commands pane of the Script Designer to open its property parameters.
At: Row (1-27) and Column (1-132) fields. Moves the cursor to the specified row and column.
Erase: Select one form (Radio Button) : Field, End of Field, All. Erases the field the cursor is in, or the portion of the field to the right of the cursor, or all fields.
Field Exit: "No Parameters exist for currently selected command". Generates a Field Exit keystroke. This keystroke is valid only within a field, it clears to the end of the current field, and moves the cursor to the beginning of the next field.
IF-Block: ("At" Command): Row (1-27) and Column (1-132) fields. Select one form (Radio Button). Literal, Variable. Compares the literal with the screen buffer, starting at the specified position.
- If the Literal radio button is selected, right-click in the Literal field to Select from an available list of Wintouch fields. Or type in a string of characters within quotes.
- If the Variable radio button is selected, pick from the drop-down list of Variable names consisting of exactly one lower case letter. Variables can accept strings of arbitrary length.
Paste: Row (1-27) and Column (1-132) fields. Count Field: Enter the number of characters to be pasted into the specified location. This Pastes the count characters from the clip board into the first available 8field(s), starting at the specified position.
Pause: "No Parameters exist for currently selected command". Suspend execution of the script, remembering both the script and the current statement, and return control to the user until the resumeScript() method is called.
Note: This is not valid in an If Block!
Return: "No Parameters exist for currently selected command" Select one form (Radio Button). Literal, Variable. Terminates execution of the script, optionally returning a value.
- If the Variable radio button is selected, pick from the drop-down list of Variable names consisting of exactly one lower case letter. Variables can accept strings of arbitrary length.
Type: Select one form (Radio Button). Literal, Variable. Generates the keystrokes to type the literal or variable.
Note: This does not normally send anything to the host by itself (although it can, if it fills a field that has been flagged "Auto-Enter").
- If the Literal radio button is selected, right-click in the Literal field to Select from an available list of Wintouch fields. Or type in a string of characters within quotes.
- If the Variable radio button is selected, pick from the drop-down list of Variable names consisting of exactly one lower case letter. Variables can accept strings of arbitrary length.
Wait: Time (in seconds) field: Type the number of seconds you wish to Suspend execution of the script.
Push Buttons
OK: Select this button to save changes to the command properties and exit the window.
Note: After selecting OK the new command will appear in the Script Source Code pane of the Script Designer. This tree structure is expandable with branches and leaf commands. To expand the tree click on a folder icon to view its related leaf component.
Cancel: Exits the window or dialog screen without saving any changes or additions made in the fields.
Help: This button displays online help in a new window.