Change Account Relationship To Another Contact (Replace Contact ID)

Replacing a Contact ID should be done under the following two circumstances.

1. When a contact has inadvertently been entered into the system twice but is not related to the same account. The user may choose to replace the Contact ID relative to the Account-Contact Relationship profile and activities of the active Account/Contact with the contact selected from a list of opened contacts (Contact Summary screens). The current Contact ID and name will be replaced with that of the contact selected from the displayed list.

For example, John Parpala is entered into the system twice and is related to both Mc Donald's and Dairy Queen.

2. A new contact has been entered into the system and the user discovers that the contact exists under a different or similar name but that contact does not have a relationship with the Active account. An example would be that Bob Smith and Robert Smith exist in the system as separate contacts. The user wants to delete the Contact Bob Smith and change his established relationship and activities with the contact Robert Smith. The Contact ID and name "Bob Smith" will no longer exist, and Robert Smith will have an account/contact relationship and activities with the active account.

To Transfer the contents of the current account/contact relationship profile to a duplicate or different contact record use the following steps.

Note: A contact summary and account summary must both be opened in order to transfer the contact information.


To transfer contact information, select Contact from the Account Summary menu bar and then Change Account Relationship to Another Contact from the pull-down menu.

  1. Select a Contact from the list of opened Contact Summary windows in the Change Account Relationship to Another Contact screen and click "OK".
  2. The message, "Are you sure you wish to Transfer the current contact relationship?" appears.
  3. If you select "Yes" the System will delete the active contact ID and replace it with the selected contact ID and name. The Account-Contact relationship of the deleted contact will be used with the new contact and all associated activities will reflect the new active contact.
  4. If successful you will get the message "Transfer was Successful".

Push Buttons

OK: Begins the transfer process.

Cancel: Exits the window without conducting the transfer.

Help: Displays on-line help for the active window.