Account Summary Contacts List

This window lists all contacts associated with the active account. You can access this window through the Account Summary menu by selecting Account and then selecting Contact List in the drop-down menu. Also you can create an icon in the toolbar for quick access.

This window can be customized to include the information most useful to your users. Keep in mind that the fields selected for display in this window will be used for ALL contact lists, i.e. for both the Account Summary Contact List and for the listing of contacts found by a Contact Search. Typical fields include First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Account Name, Contact ID,and City-State/Prov-Zip/Postal. Clicking on any of the column headings will sort the listing according to that column. Clicking the same heading again will reverse the order. You may also increase or decrease column widths by dragging the mouse between column headings.

Push Buttons

Select: Use this button to return to the Account Summary window with the selected contact displayed. Double-clicking on the highlighted contact has the same effect as this button.


Disassociate: Use this button to sever the relationship between the highlighted contact and the active account. The contact will still exist as an individual. This has the same effect as selecting No Longer Associated from the Contact Relationship field in the Account-Contact Relationship window.

Related Accounts: Use this button to display a list of all the accounts that are associated with the highlighted contact.

Open: Use this button to open the Contact Summary window for the highlighted contact.

Refresh: Use this button to request that the data in this window be retrieved again from the server in order to ensure that what the user sees is up-to-date.

Customize: Use this button to add, delete, arrange, and set the properties of the fields in the active window.

Print: Use this button to print the Contact List. Click here for more information about the print option.

Cancel: Use this button to exit the window without saving any changes or additions.

Help: Use this button to access the online help for the active window.

Opening the Contact List from the Account Summary

There are three ways to open the Contact List from the Account Summary.

1.Use the short cut key [Ctrl + S]

2.Select Account, and then select Contact List from the drop-down menu.

3.Create an icon in the toolbar.

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