Account-Contact Relationship

Window Map

This window defines the relationship of a contact with an account. Open this window by selecting Contact from the Account Summary menubar, then Profiles from the pull-down menu, then click on Edit Account-Contact Information, or by holding down the Control and U keys (Ctrl-U) at the same time in the Account Summary window.


Contact: This view-only field displays the name of the contact related to the account.

Account Relationship: Tab to this field to select the account's relationship to the contact.

Contact Relationship: Tab to this field to select the contact's relationship to the account.

Job Title: Tab to this field to enter or edit the contact's job title.

Email Address: Tab to this field to enter or edit the contact's work related email address.

Account Contact Telephone: Tab to this field to enter the contact's account-related telephone number.

Contact Fax: Tab to this field to enter or edit the contact's account-related fax number.

Ext: Tab to this field to enter or edit the contact's telephone extension.

Note: Parenthesis and hyphens are NOT needed.

Push Buttons

OK: Select this button to save any addition or changes that are made.

Customize: Select this this button to customize the Account/Contact Relationship window.

Cancel: Select this button to cancel out of the window without saving any changes.

Help: Select this button to view the online Help Guide.