Script Designer List Box

The Wintouch Emulation Script Designer is an easy to use tool for the Wintouch Administrator. Using this "application developer", the administrator can create, edit, and enable emulation applications for the Wintouch user and specifically selected terminal emulation sessions. Start the Script Designer by selecting Administration from the Main Desktop, then Terminal Emulation Script Designer from the pull-down menu. Once the script has been created and saved the user simply selects the script name from the Account Summary Desktop (Window) Options menu or tool bar.

Sorting the Script List

The Script List has four headings: Script Name, Script Type, Session Number, and the script itself. This order may be rearranged by clicking and dragging the column headings to the left or right. Clicking any of the headings will arrange the listed accounts according to that heading . Clicking the same heading again will reverse the script order (see directional arrows). You may also increase or decrease column widths by dragging the mouse between column headings.


Wintouch automatically names new scripts as Script1, Script2, Script3, etc. To rename a script, double-click on the script name to highlight it, begin typing the new name to over write the original.

Note: This is the script name that will be displayed in the Options menu of the Account Desktop.


To select a different script type, double-click on an item in this column to highlight it, a drop-down menu selection will appear. Select from either Contact or Account related. 

Account Related: When selected this script type will appear in the Account Desktop, Options menu, with an Account Summary window open.
Contact Related: When selected this script type will appear in the Account Desktop, Options menu, with a Contact Summary window open.


To select a different associated emulation session number, double-click on an item in this column to highlight it, a drop-down menu selection will appear. Select any of the related (five) sessions.

Note: The selected terminal emulation session number and associated script can be initiated from the Account Desktop Options menu. The script will be run in that session.


To write or edit a highlighted script, double-click on the cell in the Script column adjacent to the appropriate script name. If the user is familiar with the scripting language this script cell may be used to directly enter the parameters. To initiate the Script Designer, click on the button at the far right of this cell.

Note: Please see the Script Designer help section for more information regarding the editing and writing of emulation scripts.

Push Buttons

Add: When selected, this button adds a new script shell to the list of current scripts. By default, the script Name will be added in continuous numeric order. The Type will be added as account related, and the Session# will be 1.
Delete: When selected this button will delete the highlighted script from the list.
Apply: When selected this button will save any newly added or edited scripts to the AS/400. 

Note: If a script has been added a new menu item will be included in the Account Summary Desktop (window), Options, AS/400 Applications menu.

Close: This button closes the AS/400 Application window. Select Apply prior to closing the window in order to save any changes made.
Help: This button displays online help in a new window.