User Profile

The User Profile feature provides a way for administrators to add Wintouch users and locations, and to change system level settings for the end user. To get to the User Profile window, select Administration from the Main Desktop Menu, then User Profile from the pull down menu. The User Profile window is split into two separate panes. The window pane on the left contains a tree menu that is similar to Microsoft's Window Explorer. There is a Root Folder, Branch Folders and Leaves .

Root Folder

When the Root Folder is highlighted there will be a tabular listing of the highlighted Wintouch location in the right window pane. The column order may be changed by clicking and dragging the column headings to the left or right. Clicking any of the headings will arrange the listed information according to that heading. Clicking the same heading again will reverse the order. For our example there is only one location

Adding Locations

Right click on the Root Folder Wintouch User Locations and select Add Location.

Follow this Link: For Instructions on Adding New Locations

Branch Folder

After you highlight the Branch Folder the right window pane will populate and display all the users in that location. Highlighting and double clicking on any of the users will open the User Properties for that user.

Right Click Options

Leaf Folder

When any of the Leaf Folders (Users) are highlighted, the right window pane will display that particular users User Properties . In this profile the administrator can change user information, add permissions, or add restrictions by selecting or deselecting flag check boxes.

Follow this Link: To Learn More About User Properties

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Changing User Information

Changing user information is made simple in the User Profile . Important information related to Wintouch users can easily be added or edited within the User Profile. Simply select the user from the tree menu and change key information such as email addresses or phone numbers.

Customizing the User Information Section